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New game mode


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@Alatar.7364 said:Not sure about the Capture the Flag. It would require some seeerious tweaks, balances and New Mechanics, because I can already see Two Firebrands, one carying the Flag the other Supporting the First, just walking out of everything, everyone and everywhere with the Flag.

I like the idea of Capture the Flag, but i think that it would require a bit more of what we have of balance, now.

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None of the choices are any good.

  • Deathmatch never works well in MMORPGs. It limits roles and compositions and puts balance under a microscope. Stealth burst is particularly difficult to balance. Then you have the "staring contest" and "pillar humping" problems.
  • Capture the Flag has problems too. If you let players use abilities while holding the flag, you end up with exceptionally strong flag carriers. If you restrict player abilities, it becomes frustrating to be the flag carrier. Special rules don't work. Spirit Watch is a great example of the problems with CTF.
  • Conquest is fine with 3points and 5 players. It allows for various splits of players which facilitate different roles and increases strategy.
  • Stronghold could be improved, but still won't supplant conquest as a competitive format.
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Lol CTF. I can think of one guy here that would probably pop a blood vessel fighting a Daredevil in that setting.

I already gave my opinion about TDM, its not meant for MMOs. PUBG is where its at for that gameplay.

I think Conquest is fine the way it is.

So really the best option would be to update Stronghold and make some new maps for it. Maybe a larger 10v10 map? Could even throw mounts in it. Just random ideas.

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Agreed for an update of stronghold. I really like this game mobe, with an inspiration of MOBA, but it needs a rework. Maybe bigger maps with more players, an update of the system of supply and hero, secondary objectives (like capture some objectives to get new units, etc.). Really this mode have a good potential, but isunder-exploited. Actually this game mode is too basic. Please Anet listen a little to your community...having only conquest as PvP mode is quite boring :').

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I'm down to see anything come to PvP. Currently i play unranked only because ill do my 10 match get plat t2 and the let it decay because the ranked community is wayyy to toxic. Plus after season 4 SH was no longer a ranked option so it wasn't worth playing ranked with 1 option for a game mode. Circle dance only for ranked? Where was the community vote to toss Sh or hell even TDM out of ranked play?

Limiting it to just a single constant silly over played uncompetitive game mode makes things stale. Roll with 1 or 2 run run run thiefs or lose the match. No skill required, just speed currently.

My heart wanted to vote SH update but i'll take anything but circle dance pvp.

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Update Stronghold! I actually really like the concept of stronghold and I could have sworn I remember a Dev talking about looking for feedback on how they could improve the mode, but those changes still haven't happened.What makes MMO's unique in the first place is VARITY. Bringing that into PVP will only make it stronger and give reasons for people to stay.

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Anything that isn't more of the same... People saying CTF would be rage inducing, but conquest is already rage inducing as it is... At least allow us to choose where we'll get rage from.World of Warcraft had quite a few different battlegrounds... They weren't perfect, but I would get bored if I had to play Arathi Basin (Conquest) all the time.

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