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Help with power soulbeast dps!


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Hello everyone, im what i would call close to a veteran player, max masteries/some legendarys/all fractals cm title/cleared most raids and cm but i never reach the benchmark dps on the golem that snowcrow have on their site.  I know its no big deal and i can clear everything with 30k but its bugging me that i cant reach 38k on the golem.


First of all im using this build : https://snowcrows.com/builds/ranger/soulbeast/power-soulbeast

Its claiming a bench of 38k but i only reach 31.6k

I dont have stat infusion, so we need to consider that.  But everything is ascended with the right rune/sigil and food.

But there is one thing i struggle with, the written rotation dont seem to match the video posted at the end of the page.  Could someone shed some light on that.  I understand i should squeeze all my big damage skill inside sicem and owp window but i have a hard time following the rotation as it is written.


Here's a screenshot after a average golem with full condition on him




Any pointers ?


Edit : i am looking at this screenshot and i have a feeling i have way to much ricochet damage and you guys will tell me to press my skill faster but i end up cancelling OWP and Splitblade when going to fast 😞

Edited by blackjinx.4975
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I believe the rotation is written wrong. The swap is a bit earlier. (It was either a mistake or made to finish with Swap for rotation clarity.) Also it's missing autos in between so yet another variable.
This should be correct with the rest of the loop:
20. Hunter's Call
21. Swap
22. Splitblade
23. Winter's Bite
Repeat loop.

Other than that it's just the 90 power from infusions and you not having perfect timing, which won't happen consistently anyway.
Don't forget it was done on a golem after X tries and the numer is simply "possible" not "must hit this number every try".
A bit more practice on the casts and you should get above 34k. (And a bit more with infusions)

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Thank you for the tips!  I also posted on the subreddit and added a recording and dps log if that can help.  I have a hard time with warhorn and im doing worst with it so i tried without.


Edit : here's a recording of the medium golem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Z_rn9SpUw

and here's a arcdps log (not the same but i did the same thing with same result) : https://dps.report/QAXt-20220911-202650_golem


i tried the rotation with warhorn and did slightly worst, not sure why...

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Been trying them myself, as i only have played wvw and spvp ( since start 10 years ago) i dont have so mutch training doing pve  rotation but i am not breaking 32k no matter what i do.

The build is almost as my wvw build and have i have good muscle memory with it. ( almost same build with minor changes for 10 years )

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8 hours ago, blackjinx.4975 said:

Edit : here's a recording of the medium golem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Z_rn9SpUw

Looking at this I can tell that:
- your casts are a bit slower in some places, for instance trap+OWP and some splitblades (common timing stutters with this build)
- you use sic'em before trap+OWP, it's instant cast so you can do it durning the other casts (small dps difference)
- you cancel some autos 

Just practice with those in mind and you should improve in time.

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12 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Looking at this I can tell that:
- your casts are a bit slower in some places, for instance trap+OWP and some splitblades (common timing stutters with this build)
- you use sic'em before trap+OWP, it's instant cast so you can do it durning the other casts (small dps difference)
- you cancel some autos 

Just practice with those in mind and you should improve in time.

thank you very much, i didnt know i could cast sic em during traps!

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