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DPI Scaling broken with most recent patch [Merged]


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I reached out to their support team via email last night and got some eye-rolling response to change resolution to match what is native to our screens. Except I'm sure most of you are either using windowed mode or prefer a lower resolution since the native 4K one is poorly optimized for our screen (ie: UI is far too small even if changing the UI size). They mentioned reporting the bug in-game with the support option if the issue persists. So... do that, everyone. 

I'm also told in that email it takes a long time for in-game bug reports to be investigated, verified, and reproduced by the QA team. 🙄

So I guess expect the issue to persist for several months longer as others' have had this issue in the past for the same amount of time. 

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just chiming in that I've had this bug too since the patch on 09/13... I play GW2 full-screen windowed mode, on a 4k display, graphics card is a EVGA geforce GTX 1080ti, win 10 v 21H2, I have DirectX12 installed. I only see the top left corner of the model preview which is not very helpful. Haven't been able to fashion wars which I find upsetting. plz fix.

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im having this exact problem and i think it started right after the newest update, i read that changind the DPI scaling solves it and it does solve the problem visual problem, but other problems show, such as hard to read letters and we need to put the largest scale to be able to see anything.

Still it is uncomfortable to the eyes, that way, so, please fix it!

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I too am experiencing this issue including the weird top left "window" where you can see a portion of the character (like OP's 2nd screen capture) -This is also happening in the Black Lion Trading Company cosmetic previews.

Toggling off DPI scaling does resolve, but this solution is worse then the problem in my case as I play on a larger display. UI elements are uncomfortably small even with them cranked up to "larger".   

Not game breaking but hey, cant preview anything cosmetic to buy off the Black Lion Trading Company that's for sure 😜 

Edited by Pucks.5817
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3 minutes ago, Diremongoose.1326 said:

Same as everyone else. 4K resolution and can’t see previews in equipment screen or gem store. Turning off DPI scaling is a workaround, but makes me unable to easily read text. I can also see partial previews if I move the window to the top left of the screen.

I noticed this as well that if the Hero Panel is moved around you will sometimes get a glimpse of a partial render. This seems to indicate that the issue boils down to something about the render overlay being misaligned to the screen resolution when DPI scaling is enabled. It seems like there is an invisible border that is not positioning correctly and is obscuring the render.


I really wish ANET would just roll back the patch at this point until they can "look into" the issue further.

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Having this issue too, it's highly uncomfortable. Will turn the scaling off for now but still hope it will get fixed ASAP.

I also play on a larger display and it seems I'll have to choose between being able to read letters and being able to see stuff in the preview >.< and it's not a choice any player would want to face.

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We cant even preview how the outfit  nice 👍



1 hour ago, Yatech.3984 said:

Issue only displays when on DX11, switching to DX9 fixes the issue
Have a nice day 🙂


But i want to play on DX 11 not 9... if it is a bug/glitch/whatever they should fix it asap instead trying to find how to get us to spend our money on the next item on gemstore...😁.


I guess they dont really care, since is something that doesnt interfere in gameplay right? 😆 so they have no rush fixing this small issue.

Edited by China.5268
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2 minutes ago, Anyandrell.6238 said:

Same here. As a result, I don't dare buying anything in the gem store because I can't see how it looks, eh.


I cant even change the look of my characters =/, i was about to buy gem for makeup kit and maybe identity repair, but now with this bug HELL NO!!!

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