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"PoF is all about content!" is it?

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Ive learn my lesson with 'pay for content now and have it drip delivered later' (precursor quests and 2nd gen legendaries) when it comes to gw2 so I only consider expansion content thing that are available at launch.Therefore I think POF isnt 'all about content' and has alot less content than hot did. That being said, the content it has was good quality and fun the first time around and was alot cheaper. If it had any replayability or decent rewards I would be happy with it.

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this is the right direction, making new wvw map or pvp game mode invest too much and too risky, like the last failed attemptsi would rather they make real good pve content instead of wasting money on garbage which no one playsi'm getting in to pve even more now

and fractal and raids release contents in a nice rate that i dont care if they have any in exppof definitely more enjoyable then hot which felt lacking all around

this is coming from a pvp veteran, also legend rank player

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@Lighter.5631 said:this is the right direction, making new wvw map or pvp game mode invest too much and too risky, like the last failed attemptsi would rather they make real good pve content instead of wasting money on garbagei'm getting in to pve even more now

and fractal and raids release contents in a nice rate that i dont care if they have any in exp

this is coming from a pvp veteran, also legend rank player

Thats anets biggest problem though. When they fail at something they dont stop and think, 'what did players like about this that we can use next time and what went wrong to make it a failure' instead they just trash the entire idea, or sometimes even an entire game mode and never work on it again. If they actually stopped and learned from their mistakes we could have much better content in all modes. Hell even dungeons might still exist.

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Well they didn't lie. It does have a lot of content... for one time only. Very little repeatable content to keep me interested honestly... it's a shame. I would have LOVED a new world boss at the very least or one or two map metas. The ones we have now are not worth the effort and Serpent's Ire is a mess of FPS killzones and difficult content with a LOUSY reward at the end so no one does it anymore. The one at the Mouth of Torment in The Desolation suffers much the same fate. If I'm lucky I'll find some people taking one path and we get the usual garbage rewards for what we do but... it's just so lacking in repeatable content it's mind boggling.

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@zombyturtle.5980 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:this is the right direction, making new wvw map or pvp game mode invest too much and too risky, like the last failed attemptsi would rather they make real good pve content instead of wasting money on garbagei'm getting in to pve even more now

and fractal and raids release contents in a nice rate that i dont care if they have any in exp

this is coming from a pvp veteran, also legend rank player

Thats anets biggest problem though. When they fail at something they dont stop and think, 'what did players like about this that we can use next time and what went wrong to make it a failure' instead they just trash the entire idea, or sometimes even an entire game mode and never work on it again. If they actually stopped and learned from their mistakes we could have much better content in all modes. Hell even dungeons might still exist.

actually, anet tried multiple times to make new game mode for pvp, 2v2, deathmatch and stronghold, except the fact that people are too invested in conquest that nobody cares about other modes, just like dota, a game mode, your other game modes from warcraft, nobody cared, at least not cared as much as dota.so there's just no point to even make new mode, only if you make new maps with same mode but why? there's already tons of map.

new wvw maps look nice to me tho, but im not a wvwer idk why wvwers dont like it, maybe it's not suited but world v world combat, but i like the feel and design of them

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@zombyturtle.5980 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:this is the right direction, making new wvw map or pvp game mode invest too much and too risky, like the last failed attemptsi would rather they make real good pve content instead of wasting money on garbagei'm getting in to pve even more now

and fractal and raids release contents in a nice rate that i dont care if they have any in exp

this is coming from a pvp veteran, also legend rank player

Thats anets biggest problem though. When they fail at something they dont stop and think, 'what did players like about this that we can use next time and what went wrong to make it a failure' instead they just trash the entire idea, or sometimes even an entire game mode and never work on it again. If they actually stopped and learned from their mistakes we could have much better content in all modes. Hell even dungeons might still exist.

actually, anet tried multiple times to make new game mode for pvp, 2v2, deathmatch and stronghold, except the fact that people are too invested in conquest that nobody cares about other modes, just like dota, a game mode, your other game modes from warcraft, nobody cared, at least not cared as much as dota.so there's just no point to even make new mode, only if you make new maps with same mode but why? there's already tons of map.

new wvw maps look nice to me tho, but im not a wvwer idk why wvwers dont like it, maybe it's not suited but world v world combat, but i like the feel and design of them

My issue with the new pvp modes were that they used the basic foundation of conquest and just adjusted it to fit a new game mode. So each mode felt like conquest with a gimmick. They needed a full system dedicated to each individual mode with ladders, proper queues and a variety of maps. If you dont invest the resources necessary into something its obviously going to come out badly. And stronghold was a mess because it had PVE elements in a PVP mode which was a disaster from the start.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:I got this feeling gw2 has too much content, can it still be considered casual with this much contents?

When 90% of the content consists of running brainlessly in the open world, and auto attack mobs until your bags are full of Junk, yes, Absolutely.

That's the best content. Good open world events can be a signature for this game, opposed to rest of the market fixated on instances.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:I got this feeling gw2 has too much content, can it still be considered casual with this much contents?

When 90% of the content consists of running brainlessly in the open world, and auto attack mobs until your bags are full of Junk, yes, Absolutely.

That's the best content. Good open world events can be a signature for this game, opposed to rest of the market fixated on instances.

Instanced zones have high replayability, challenge and lots of things to go for (skins etc). When you're doing anything in the open world, the only thing you get is trash you salvage or vendor. Never ever do you get anything worthwhile, not to mention how easy and boring it is. I would take any of the gw1 elite dungeons over every single open world zone of GW2. If i want to simply explore the open world, i play a game like TW3, the souls games or whatever has great open world exploration. In an mmo, open world content means; poor reward because its easily accessible, time gating, incredibly easy, salvage worthy rewards and mostly spamming autos while watching a youtube video. That's not gameplay for me personally.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:I got this feeling gw2 has too much content, can it still be considered casual with this much contents?

When 90% of the content consists of running brainlessly in the open world, and auto attack mobs until your bags are full of Junk, yes, Absolutely.

That's the best content. Good open world events can be a signature for this game, opposed to rest of the market fixated on instances.

Instanced zones have high replayability, challenge and lots of things to go for (skins etc). When you're doing anything in the open world, the only thing you get is trash you salvage or vendor. Never ever do you get anything worthwhile, not to mention how easy and boring it is. I would take any of the gw1 elite dungeons over every single open world zone of GW2. If i want to simply explore the open world, i play a game like TW3, the souls games or whatever has great open world exploration. In an mmo, open world content means; poor reward because its easily accessible, time gating, incredibly easy, salvage worthy rewards and mostly spamming autos while watching a youtube video. That's not gameplay for me personally.

As mentioned in previous post, I have no problem with your personal tastes but for this game to be unique it has to focus on something different than another cliche instance content. Open World in gw2 has a lot of potential to grow bigger audience, even in expense of raiding minority. Problems is they are focusing on too many things at once. If they went full Open World + WvW it would be much better idea than keeping unsitisfied minorities entertained.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:I got this feeling gw2 has too much content, can it still be considered casual with this much contents?

When 90% of the content consists of running brainlessly in the open world, and auto attack mobs until your bags are full of Junk, yes, Absolutely.

That's the best content. Good open world events can be a signature for this game, opposed to rest of the market fixated on instances.

Instanced zones have high replayability, challenge and lots of things to go for (skins etc). When you're doing anything in the open world, the only thing you get is trash you salvage or vendor. Never ever do you get anything worthwhile, not to mention how easy and boring it is. I would take any of the gw1 elite dungeons over every single open world zone of GW2. If i want to simply explore the open world, i play a game like TW3, the souls games or whatever has great open world exploration. In an mmo, open world content means; poor reward because its easily accessible, time gating, incredibly easy, salvage worthy rewards and mostly spamming autos while watching a youtube video. That's not gameplay for me personally.

As mentioned in previous post, I have no problem with your personal tastes but for this game to be unique it has to focus on something different than another cliche instance content. Open World in gw2 has a lot of potential to grow bigger audience, even in expense of raiding minority. Problems is they are focusing on too many things at once. If they went full Open World + WvW it would be much better idea than keeping unsitisfied minorities entertained.

A proper mmo is supposed to offer everything because all kind of people play em. People complained about not having raids for years because there's a crowd that is into them (which is normal and expected, its an mmo after all). I want dungeons. Its what i enjoy the most in pve, and anet doesn't deliver one bit in that department.

My perfect GW2 would be focusing on WvW and instanced dungeons/elite dungeons, a 50/50 split. Sadly, i only get the 50% of what i'd like to play.

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@NotASmurf.1725 said:

@GloriousAlkaid.5104 said:I mean, even if you don't like it, the fact is they're on a separate schedule from the other game modes. I enjoy fractals and WvW a ton! And would love to hear about what they have been working on. But trying to frontload everything made HoT crash and burn.

Every other company can pull it off.. it's the norm for MMO expansions.. but poor indie developer Anet shouldn't be expected to dish out anything but gemstore stuff I guess.

Every other company has static quests in the open world. They need more than three times the dynamic events in the open world to do what every other company does. I wouldn't compare these open world maps to every other company because it's pretty obvious they're far more work than most. So let's not talk about every other company.

In fact, the only MMOs that really compete with this charge $15 a month, and are part of bigger companies with bigger IPs. So if you're going to compare, compare everything.

It's not like changes aren't made between expansions and this is how this company deals with it. WvW and PvP and Fractals shouldn't be part of the expansion because they're available to core players. There's a reason why things are the way they are.

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@Lighter.5631 said:

actually, anet tried multiple times to make new game mode for pvp, 2v2, deathmatch and stronghold, except the fact that people are too invested in conquest that nobody cares about other mode

Let me stop you right there because you got the reasoning all wrong.

Deathmatch died because it was a halfassed attempt with a terrible map that has tons of teleport glitches and it was shoehorned into the conquest que. Plus everyone was asking for wow arena or GW1 RA style of combat where you wipe the enemy team you win, instead we got deathmatch which means it was over after the first fight and then it was just the winners farming the afk losers till they get to 500.

Stronghold died because it's not PvP. It's a plain PvE map, you spawn NPCs to defend NPCs to break down gates with them till you can finally kill the "final boss" of the map, and whoever does that first wins. The core concept was similar to GW1's GvG or a moba, but the execution made it so there's no reason to fight players, in fact if you PvP you're not playing the main objective. Quickly it was deserted and only used for wintrading.

2v2.. don't even get me started on that joke of an attempt. They spent time and resources making a 2v2 gamemode and then they dropped it into hotjoin to die the moment it released. Hotjoin has no rewards and no matchmaking, we already had player ran 1v1 and 2v2 arenas on Forest beach, the point would've been to get an Anet supported ranked gamemode going but that never happened.

The problem is how out of touch anet is with the community and they refuse to communicate because of their policy of "not talking before it's done".. which leads to a garbage product nobody asked for.

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I think PoF needs rewarding meta events like HoT. I think there's no reason to go to PoF maps after you complete the masteries and achievements. Also we need additional mounts and masteries. First of all, I feel the lack of an underwater mount. Also additional flying mounts with different abilities would be useful. (maybe a flame wyvern)Also raids and dungeons should be added. Also I expected a whole new class exclusive to path of fire, like Guild Wars:Nightfall. Maybe Dervish and/or Paragon. And new weapon types, Spear and Scythe.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Nyel.1843 said:Didn't they say the new LW season starts pretty quick after release? Could totally see them adding a raid with it.Could not care less about new LS episodes that provide entertainment for 3 days if you include achievements. More like 3 hours if you just want to see the map and do the story.

If they do more "fun" stuff like druid backpack, you may expect some "fun" prolonged for 3 weeks!

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Nyel.1843 said:Didn't they say the new LW season starts pretty quick after release? Could totally see them adding a raid with it.Could not care less about new LS episodes that provide entertainment for 3 days if you include achievements. More like 3 hours if you just want to see the map and do the story.

If they do more "fun" stuff like druid backpack, you may expect some "fun" prolonged for 3 weeks!I actually would have enjoyed that collection if it did not involve redoing stupidly boring heart quests every day. Surely Anet could have found something more interesting than forcing us to redo hearts.
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The story had more content then hot. Not as many chapters but getting mounts took longer time then gliding. The maps are bigger. At the moment comparing expansion content, hot is more content. But later on POF will have equal, or more content. living world season 4 is POF content that hasn't been finished yet, which I think is the beginning of the content that we need. Which applies to raids. I bet as soon as the new living story is out, new raids will also be out. Which applies to more maps. I also think the possibility of fractals will be added. Now what living story season 4 all content arenanet will give idk.

I do know arenanet will add.

New legendaries.Raids.Story.Maps.Skins.Achievements.Mastery points.New dyes.

Those I know for sure will be added but could be more.

Maybe these will happen.

Fractals and, or dungeons, fractals have a more high possibility though.A new mount.Living world season 4 masteries. which type of masteries idk, But a possibility of lvs4 map masteries.As far as I think. Arenanet talked about leg trinket. This could be the time to add them.If arenanet are adding new legendary trinkets, Possibility of jewels to go to 500.

Things that could be added but in the back burner and not as much new features.

Wvw since arenanet added gliding. Possibility of mounts in wvw. Which could lead to a bigger map.PvP balance.Maybe PvP new features but doubt it. The only thing I think is maybe a new map or new added way to play a PvP match.New metas with the new living world maps?

These I think make the content equal however, I don't know what exactly arenanet will also add. But I think once living world season 4 starts we will really tell if POF is a content expansion. The list I made I think that will make expansions equal in content. But like I said arenanet can always add something they planned that we don't know about. There are more things arenanet could add but those are most likely will be done. Also living world season 4 should be in a couple months, ether end of November, Or end of December. Like I said should, but latest will be January for living world to start. Which will add much more content.

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@blambidy.3216 said:The story had more content then hot. Not as many chapters but getting mounts took longer time then gliding. The maps are bigger. At the moment comparing expansion content, hot is more content. But later on POF will have equal, or more content. living world season 4 is POF content that hasn't been finished yet, which I think is the beginning of the content that we need. Which applies to raids. I bet as soon as the new living story is out, new raids will also be out. Which applies to more maps. I also think the possibility of fractals will be added. Now what living story season 4 all content arenanet will give idk.

I do know arenanet will add.

New legendaries.Raids.Story.Maps.Skins.Achievements.Mastery points.New dyes.

Those I know for sure will be added but could be more.

Maybe these will happen.

Fractals and, or dungeons, fractals have a more high possibility though.A new mount.Living world season 4 masteries. which type of masteries idk, But a possibility of lvs4 map masteries.As far as I think. Arenanet talked about leg trinket. This could be the time to add them.If arenanet are adding new legendary trinkets, Possibility of jewels to go to 500.

Things that could be added but in the back burner and not as much new features.

Wvw since arenanet added gliding. Possibility of mounts in wvw. Which could lead to a bigger map.PvP balance.Maybe PvP new features but doubt it. The only thing I think is maybe a new map or new added way to play a PvP match.New metas with the new living world maps?

These I think make the content equal however, I don't know what exactly arenanet will also add. But I think once living world season 4 starts we will really tell if POF is a content expansion. The list I made I think that will make expansions equal in content. But like I said arenanet can always add something they planned that we don't know about. There are more things arenanet could add but those are most likely will be done. Also living world season 4 should be in a couple months, ether end of November, Or end of December. Like I said should, but latest will be January for living world to start. Which will add much more content.

Cool. Are these things in the expansion, yes or no? No.

I'd expect expansions to be highly replayable and living story to patch the gap between expansions. But PoF is glorified living story with a couple of extra features. PoF had my attention for 1 week. Living story chapters every 3 months have it for what, 2 days? At best.

Their model is a failure if they wish to keep an active and diverse playerbase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@witcher.3197 said:

@blambidy.3216 said:The story had more content then hot. Not as many chapters but getting mounts took longer time then gliding. The maps are bigger. At the moment comparing expansion content, hot is more content. But later on POF will have equal, or more content. living world season 4 is POF content that hasn't been finished yet, which I think is the beginning of the content that we need. Which applies to raids. I bet as soon as the new living story is out, new raids will also be out. Which applies to more maps. I also think the possibility of fractals will be added. Now what living story season 4 all content arenanet will give idk.

I do know arenanet will add.

New legendaries.Raids.Story.Maps.Skins.Achievements.Mastery points.New dyes.

Those I know for sure will be added but could be more.

Maybe these will happen.

Fractals and, or dungeons, fractals have a more high possibility though.A new mount.Living world season 4 masteries. which type of masteries idk, But a possibility of lvs4 map masteries.As far as I think. Arenanet talked about leg trinket. This could be the time to add them.If arenanet are adding new legendary trinkets, Possibility of jewels to go to 500.

Things that could be added but in the back burner and not as much new features.

Wvw since arenanet added gliding. Possibility of mounts in wvw. Which could lead to a bigger map.PvP balance.Maybe PvP new features but doubt it. The only thing I think is maybe a new map or new added way to play a PvP match.New metas with the new living world maps?

These I think make the content equal however, I don't know what exactly arenanet will also add. But I think once living world season 4 starts we will really tell if POF is a content expansion. The list I made I think that will make expansions equal in content. But like I said arenanet can always add something they planned that we don't know about. There are more things arenanet could add but those are most likely will be done. Also living world season 4 should be in a couple months, ether end of November, Or end of December. Like I said should, but latest will be January for living world to start. Which will add much more content.

Cool. Are these things in the expansion, yes or no? No.

I'd expect expansions to be highly replayable and living story to patch the gap between expansions. But PoF is glorified living story with a couple of extra features. PoF had my attention for 1 week. Living story chapters every 3 months have it for what, 2 days? At best.

Their model is a failure if they wish to keep an active and diverse playerbase.

The thing is... They will be. As far as replayable I doubt u did all classes to full POF elite specials. And finished POF with 9 diff classes. And doubt that you have all the new weapon skins you can unlock in POF. Did you get the griffon yet? Did you finish all map exploration? How bout getting all the masteries? How about finish the masteries with all mounts?

The thing is yes it's not there. Soon it will be. However I doubt that most people fully finished all POF maps and got all POF achievements and masteries. Yet people want to say there isn't as much content when no one is finished?

However there's still raids if you haven't finished. There's still fractals if you haven't finished the last one. There's still getting legendary gear which you can only unlock doing raids.

Unless you fully did these then you can say where's the content. But being impatient when you haven't finished what you have to do is unnecessary. People act like there's nothing to do when there's so much to do while waiting.

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@troops.8276 said:It'd be interesting to know how the revenue and profits(?) of PoF and cash shop sales are used. Making more cash shop items? New game engine for another game? Next excuse to encourage cash shop sales, sorry I mean expansion? How much longer can these fantasy theme parks (mmorpgs) hold an audience?

right the only coming now is 20 more mounts to go with the 30 to increase the odds of not getting what you want

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