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NA WvW Roam Guild | Elusive Guard [ElSG] | Crystal Desert Recruitment Post |

Avion Blade.4869

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Hello future Apprentices, Guards, Sentinels and/or Ellusionists!

My name is Avion and I have recently started a new WvW Roam Guild called the Elusive Guard [ElSG]. All the information you need is down below. Thank you for your time!

Minimum Requirements for Membership

- Level 80

- Defeat Avion at least once during 1v1 trials. (5 fights to determine starting rank or disqualification).

- Crystal Desert Home Server


Recommended but not required:

Wolf Rank PvP


1v1 Trials and Starting Rank Placement

- 1/5 = Apprentice

- 2/5 = Guard

- 3/5 = Sentinel or Ellusionists

        - Equal ranks, but title depends on build style's nearest one-word description.




These officer ranks are not yet given, the first step is to acquire members. Solo and party roaming will be the first activities. After larger numbers are acquired, leadership ranks will be granted based on previous experience and/or training.


Prime Minister

Admin Rank only given to the most trusted, not yet given until much later.


After 3 wins, there is no incentive for additional fights

Candidates who have already obtained at least one win may opt to end the 1v1 trials and enter with the achieved rank unless they wish to try to gain a higher one.

After five fights the trials end; 0 wins during any of the five fights results in disqualification to join guild. Applicant will have to wait to qualify for the next recruitment season. (usually a week or two later).


The 1v1 Trials are used to start good relations with the guild-founder, to help build confidence in combat, provide combat practice for both the founder and candidate, and to see a glimpse of WvW fighting styles.


Please note there are no trials available today, but trials may begin 9/15 and beyond. Thanks!


There are no build restrictions/requirements to enter the guild, but there is a build-recommendation guide visible for guild members.


Guild Brand (What is this Guild's Mission and Purpose?)

- To help train and equip members with a good WvW Mindset

- To improve skills in combat, and to guard one another.

- To improve survival and survivability skills.

        - Survival: Escaping a losing fight.

        - Survivability: Sustaining a fight you can win.

- To bond together for fun.

- To create and provide Guild-Content for guild members (there is some role-playing with regards to organization), also for fun.

- To build strength and be established as a respected WvW Guild (you get to experience starting from scratch if you join early).

- To ease and give positive WvW experiences, converting members' from having frustrating runs, to relaxing and successful ones.

- To graft in players' personal unique build styles and integrate them into the guild group for synergy.


Maximum Number of Members and Leadership Organization:

- The Guild's Goal is to sustain a maximum of 53 Members (Avion's Deck of 52 + himself).

- The Guild is divided into 4 suits. 

- Each Suit has 1 Captain, 2 Lieutenants, and 10 non-officer members (13 total per suit).


There is no "Commander Rank", yet rather the "Commander" is an office that is held during a WvW run with/without a visible minimap-tag. Only Captain's and Lieutenants (under supervision) are allowed to fill this role for gaining leadership experience



- Your starting rank is not permanent, promotions can be given during WvW run participation.


Membership Pay Rates:

- There is pay for members who participate during the Guild Founder's 3 Hour Roam Runs.

- Guild Founder Runs are scheduled ahead of time. (If he is not running as frequent, it is because he is broke during that week LOL).

- Extra Mystic Coins and Memories of Battle are sold to help pay for members.

- Mystic Coins and Memories of Battle are also paid toward officers due to rank prestige and experience.

- Because the Guild Founder's runs are scheduled and expected to be the more organized runs, paying members to help achieve that guild experience is the best way of saying thank you.


1st Hour is Pure Roaming

2nd Hour is Objective Capturing

3rd Hour is Objective Defending

 During each hour they can possibly mix, but when possible, we will try to have guild missions fit those hours most of the time, thematically.


Non-Officer Rank Pay:

Sentinels/Ellusionists: 3 Gold 33 Silver 33 Copper Per Hour  (10 Gold per 3 Hours)

Guards: 2 Gold 33 Silver 33 Copper Per Hour (7 Gold per 3 Hours )

Apprentice: 1 Gold 33 Silver 33 Copper Per Hour (4 Gold per 3 Hours)


Officer Rank Pay:

Lieutenants: Same as Sentinels/Ellusionists for Base Pay + 1 Mystic Coin and 5 Memories of Battle Per Hour

Captains: Same as Sentinels/Ellusionists for Base Pay + 2 Mystic Coins and 10 Memories of Battle Per Hour


**Please note that these pay rates are supplements to your usual income from simply playing Guild Wars 2 receiving rewards for completing activities in PvE, PvP, or WvW/Fractals/Raids, etc. The pay is simply a "thank you for participating" bonus!**


Guild Uniform (not required but just to look cool together if you like)

Any color scheme that has black/midnight dominating the color scheme.


Contact Information:

IRL Gaming Contact: avionbladegw2@gmail.com

In-Game Contact: Avion Blade.4869 or whisper: Avion Blade


Please schedule your 1v1 appointment trial with me with the following information:

- Numerical Date (9/15 for tomorrow from this post date, for example)

- Your local time (I'll convert it to PST if not PST).

- You will be notified if our guild is full or not.

- Current Recruitment phase is to fill the deck of 52. Expansion will be declared after a month or so of sustaining a certain number of active members.

- Representation during WvW is only required if 2 or more members are fighting/roaming together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, man! This is a pretty cool idea. If we were on the same server, I'd take you up on the offer - or we could at least try to roam around a bit. You've been pretty fun to play against this week. You're a good mirage. 😛 Anyway, just wanted to give this post a bump and wish you well. I hope your recruitment pops off!

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