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[NA] Welcome to Ardour [AGM]


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- Who are we  Ardour is a Christian led guild with a focus of including everyone and being family friendly.

- What do we do  Ardour strives for PvX.  Currently, PvP and some PvE are our game modes that we see the most activity, but we are trying to build WvW teams, Raid teams, Fractal teams, etc.

- When do you play  Ardour consists of players that mainly play between 5 PM to 12 AM CST.  We have PvP as a guild on Tuesdays and Sundays at 8 PM CST, but some players play every night.

- Why are you here  We are called to love our neighbors, and that's just what we'll do.  Ardour strives to include everyone while staying family friendly, we want to help out those in need from the littlest thing to the largest.  

- Where can I find you  We are on discord! As this is not required, this is the best location to chat with all our members!


Ardour is looking to give players access to game content in a friendly, loving environment.  The goal of Ardour is to help other where others need help, whether that be your first legendary, or if you are just starting out. Philippians 2:3-4 is the heart and soul of Ardour. 


- Now for the How do I join If you are looking to join team Ardour then send me an in game message OchPeka.7410, or a message through discord OchPeka#8770!


Here's a little history about us!!! - Ardour is a guild founded on Christian principles. Team Ardour has been around since 2008 starting in a little game called grand fantasia. We peaked at about 20 - 30 members, eventually dying off and shutting down in 2012. In 2015 the guild was remade for solo purposes to help progress in Guild Wars 2. 2016 is when it was decided that the guild would be made into the bigger picture of Ardour Gaming Ministries, a place for people to join so they can be with people they feel safe with. After lots of planning and finding leaders in 2018 we officially opened the doors and started recruiting. Now Ardour strives to help everyone and bring a safe/friendly place into the gaming world.



Q: Do I have to be a Christian to join

A: Nope! As we do mainly have Christians in the guild at the moment, it is not required.  The only thing that is asked is being family friendly


Q: Do I have to be super active

A: Play as much as you want! Discord is not required.  If you want to just be in a positive community then you do you!


— Philippians 2:3-4— Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others.

Edited by OchPeka.7410
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