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30 minutes ago, Scalacious.4139 said:

All bottom? I get it in Defense and Zerker, but in Strength it could work to take Body Blow over Great Fortitude for that sweat weakness uptime that goes great with Cull the Weak in Defense 🤔

I. Did. Not. Stutter.

Besides CtW will be applying weakness on burst, and hammer has Fierce Blow on a low CD.

There is another joke there and I am not going to be the one to spell it out...

  • Haha 2
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Core Warrior

WvW Roaming - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwSYhMRWJOWPVLfA-zVhYBRHyfLoAxQrmDR5UaUBkpIoThQvSANeACYP8OqmBA-w

PvP - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwSYhMRWJOWPVLfA-zZILlGLgMjgSDheTAZHAA

Oldie but goodie.

  • Stability returns. And immunity to critical hits. Vigor and Barrier big bonuses here.
  • "Double" Endure Pain from using the Utility and Signet of Rage faster cast time.
  • Adrenaline generation should be quick, allowing for more burst usage (both from blocks and Signet Of Rage passive)
  • Resolution on block, and when critically hit, should allow for some counterplay to conditions and beef up general damage reduction while its active.
  • Mending, and weapon swap cleanses if used properly should typically be able to handle Conditions well enough. Slightly weaker there than with Shake It Off, but this is assuming you're eating everything thrown at you which you shouldn't with the kind of Endurance regen you can get here.
  • Sustain wise you have all the mitigations (Barrier, 10% less damage with active Resolution Crit immunity from Balanced, Endure Pain against power damage), Adrenal Health, Mending, MMR and Signet of Rage should allow for a small brunt of healing when used. Rune of the Fighter in sPvP supplements Mending healing. Can use Mending Might for additional Might healing if needed.


WvW Roaming - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwcYhMRmJeqW+tfA-zVRYBRHWMsTpRFQmigOFC9KB04BIg9w7oaGAA-w

PvP - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwcYhMRmJeqW+tfA-zZILlGDhMjgSLgeTAlGAA

  • Stability returns (again) but with a vengeance. Get more Stability when you break a stun with Eternal Champion.
  • Berserk mode augmented with both Savage Instinct and Dead or Alive, giving it damage reduction and healing from dealing damage.
  • No MMR healing, but Adrenal Health, Dead or Alive and Mending should sustain enough (this is a huge if, I need to test this in actual gameplay).
  • Additional damage mitigations present with increased Toughness while in Berserk with Eternal Champion, plus 100% damage reduction from Savage Instinct, and a relatively short Defy Pain proc CD with Headbutt.
  • Condition cleanse is weaker with the default build linked, but Cleansing Ire can be swapped in instead of Last Stand to strengthen it if needed. Well timed enough Shield Block should provide Resolution enough to deal with damage conditions already present, just need to avoid getting it corrupted.
  • Far less Might generation and uptime, but the idea is that Berserk mode provides an adequate enough damage increase (+300 power) plus Bloody Roar if used as an option in place of additional Stability.

Berserker builds need significant testing once the patch lands. It has been such a one trick pony, and a meme, for so long that its likely going to need some "field testing" and more iteration before we see it truly shine. Might generation is where it lacks the most, especially when compared to any other build you can make with Warrior.

Honestly I'm just glad we'll see Stability make a return outside of the scuffed nonsense that was Bladesworn Dragonscale Defense with Daring Dragon.

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2 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

Core Warrior

WvW Roaming - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwSYhMRWJOWPVLfA-zVhYBRHyfLoAxQrmDR5UaUBkpIoThQvSANeACYP8OqmBA-w

PvP - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwSYhMRWJOWPVLfA-zZILlGLgMjgSDheTAZHAA

Oldie but goodie.

  • Stability returns. And immunity to critical hits. Vigor and Barrier big bonuses here.
  • "Double" Endure Pain from using the Utility and Signet of Rage faster cast time.
  • Adrenaline generation should be quick, allowing for more burst usage (both from blocks and Signet Of Rage passive)
  • Resolution on block, and when critically hit, should allow for some counterplay to conditions and beef up general damage reduction while its active.
  • Mending, and weapon swap cleanses if used properly should typically be able to handle Conditions well enough. Slightly weaker there than with Shake It Off, but this is assuming you're eating everything thrown at you which you shouldn't with the kind of Endurance regen you can get here.
  • Sustain wise you have all the mitigations (Barrier, 10% less damage with active Resolution Crit immunity from Balanced, Endure Pain against power damage), Adrenal Health, Mending, MMR and Signet of Rage should allow for a small brunt of healing when used. Rune of the Fighter in sPvP supplements Mending healing. Can use Mending Might for additional Might healing if needed.


WvW Roaming - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwcYhMRmJeqW+tfA-zVRYBRHWMsTpRFQmigOFC9KB04BIg9w7oaGAA-w

PvP - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwcYhMRmJeqW+tfA-zZILlGDhMjgSLgeTAlGAA

  • Stability returns (again) but with a vengeance. Get more Stability when you break a stun with Eternal Champion.
  • Berserk mode augmented with both Savage Instinct and Dead or Alive, giving it damage reduction and healing from dealing damage.
  • No MMR healing, but Adrenal Health, Dead or Alive and Mending should sustain enough (this is a huge if, I need to test this in actual gameplay).
  • Additional damage mitigations present with increased Toughness while in Berserk with Eternal Champion, plus 100% damage reduction from Savage Instinct, and a relatively short Defy Pain proc CD with Headbutt.
  • Condition cleanse is weaker with the default build linked, but Cleansing Ire can be swapped in instead of Last Stand to strengthen it if needed. Well timed enough Shield Block should provide Resolution enough to deal with damage conditions already present, just need to avoid getting it corrupted.
  • Far less Might generation and uptime, but the idea is that Berserk mode provides an adequate enough damage increase (+300 power) plus Bloody Roar if used as an option in place of additional Stability.

Berserker builds need significant testing once the patch lands. It has been such a one trick pony, and a meme, for so long that its likely going to need some "field testing" and more iteration before we see it truly shine. Might generation is where it lacks the most, especially when compared to any other build you can make with Warrior.

Honestly I'm just glad we'll see Stability make a return outside of the scuffed nonsense that was Bladesworn Dragonscale Defense with Daring Dragon.

Going without Shake It off is gutsy! But I am with you; dusting off my old core great axe warrior is something I'm very much looking forward to. Differing from your build, I would probably run Berserker's Power, Resilient Roll, and cleansing ire. And take SIO 😉

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Here's an idea for a Defense Bladesworn:



Should have loads of healing over time coming in between MMR and AH.


Won't have the same might generation without FGJ, but you should still have decent output between Restorative Strength and Rune of the Fighter and Unyielding Dragon. You could always take Fierce as Fire and/or Berserker's Power to get some more damage at the expense of sustain.


Cleansing is only ok. SIO and signet of stamina are pretty good, but SIO is one of your stun breaks, and both are valuable for cleansing immobilize. The plan, though, is that you should have tons of endurance between MMR and sig of stamina (+/- an endurance sigil); that means more dodges and more resistance from resilient roll. Success will depend on prevention of immob rather than cleansing it. 


You could also drop shield for warhorn if you need more cleansing.


I think the real issue with the build is it's lack of fury. Shoutsworn gets a ton of it from FGJ, which we're missing here. That leaves breakstep as your only reliable source of fury. 


You might have to go full glass and take rune of the eagle if your crits aren't enough. Alternatively, since the build should have loads of dodges, you could also try rune of the daredevil.


Tbh, not sure if this is gonna be viable or not (BS was pretty darn reliant on shouts), but it's worth a try. 




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