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Gyros why not Both? How the Functionality of Gyros Could be Changed.


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With the recent discussion surrounding Gyros and their proposed changes people from different groups wanted different things. Some people want Gyros to follow the Engineer maintaining scrapper’s unique mechanics. Others were excited for the new options that would be available to them if they could target Gyros onto the ground. These options need not be mutually exclusive. So I ask the question why not both?

GW2 already has a number of skills that change into different skills after they are cast. Guardian’s Shield of Absorption and Thief’s Fist Flurry are just two examples of this. The functionality is possible and so I propose a number of different possible versions of what Gyros could be (with little regard to the details of balance).

Version 1: Second Cast Teleport.

                 After casting the gyro it will follow the Engineer, if they cast the ability a second time it will teleport to the target location and become stationary.

Version 2: Second Cast Roomba.

                After casting the Gyro it will follow the Engineer, if they cast the ability a second time it will move to the target location. During the movement the well could be turned off or on (leaving it on would be most interesting). Allowing for multiple relocation would likely be too powerful.

Version 3: Conditional Targeting.

                If the Engineer is targeting an enemy or no one the Gyro is cast on the Engineer. If the Engineer is targeting an ally the Gyro is cast on them and follows them. Adding a cast time to the second option if possible may be good.


The goal of these ideas is to maintain the Engineers unique identity of Gyros while allowing for the more traditional functionality of Wells that other class have.

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There arent many people who remember how gyro used to work. If you watched the old HoT trailer you would notice that gyro looks bigger and seems to do various stuff.


That is because the first iteration of gyro could be classified as mini pet. They're not pet that stays on field permanently but at the same time, gyro were considered as a separate entity so you could actually target them and kill them if you wanted. This iteration of gyro was (and in my book still is) the most unique concept Anet ever gave to an Engineer. I mean ok I like Holosmith and Mechanist but one is a a kit with heat management and the other is a pet. However that design was not very functional compared to the current moving well. Reason being mostly due to AI pathfinding being....well what it still is. For PvE you can definitely work around but for PvP, especially WvW, the gyro had a hard time following you when moving through rough terrain. 


Making Scrapper well static is just....boring. All other wells in the game are static and balanced around the fact they cannot be moved. Scrapper well are balanced around the fact it sticks to the Engineer. If they want to remove the well effect while keeping the uniqueness of Scrapper then I can only see one option and that is to go back to square one. Personnally I wont mind however the performance will definitely get impacted.

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Only static wells would be the least ideal option. The main idea is that the functionality is there to support both types of behaviour (following and static). Of course numbers would have to be changed. Regarding the gyros moving they could be treated as projectiles with no collision for example.

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I think gyro well denotation for an stronger effect would be the best way to give the scraper class uniqueness. I am not sure if the gyro should stay on you but it should stay a field.

IF the gyro are going to stay on the player then they need to have a shorter duration with the ability to end for a stronger effect OR simply have slower pulses say once ever 2 sec not once ever 1 sec but keeps it current duration.


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I like the roomba idea but have it move faster than superspeed and with the effect on all the time. The gyro will only run for it's  normal duration. If there is no target then it moves in a straight line in front of the scrapper.

Of course there is the question of how they will interact with the terrain and walls etc.

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