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[US] 5 players looking for a Family Friendly PvE guild


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Hey Halcyonforever....So I run with a WvW foucsed guild, but we have raid and strike nights on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here is a guild ad...just give me a shout on discord if you have questions or if any of this is of interest to you and your buddies....


NA [CBo] Crimson Blackout is an easy-going WvW focused guild that loves to fight and is very active, we also play other game modes. We are based on Sorrow's Furnace server. We have regular class trainings and even 1 on 1 class trainings with our experts if needed. We are a very open, inclusive and respectful guild, where all are welcome.

We officially raid Monday, Wednesday, Friday (9pm cst) and Saturday at 6h00 (pst), 7h00 (mst), 8h00 (cst) or 9h00 (est). We have also started a Sunday night in WvW to help beginners and focus on the fundamentals. Tuesdays and Thursdays are now PvE nights where people play and learn raids, strikes and fractals. You are under no obligation to run every night, but ideally, we would like you to run at least 2 nights a week with us in WvW. We are more than happy to help new guild members get their Warclaw mount also. We also run random nights like Necro night, Ranger night, just something to have a laugh and a bit of craic with.

Please join us on TeamSpeak. This is mandatory. You don't have to talk, just listen for call outs

We please ask that you rep CBo on official raid nights also.

You are welcome to join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/6e3zHBKZhk we use Discord as a website.

Please feel free to reach out to me in-game at Rantaine.4759 or on Discord at Dguvner#3035


P.S Transfers to SF are free if you haven't transferred before 🙂 Everything travels with you and you lose nothing. You can still play with friends in other game modes too.

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Hey there, Halcyon! If all ya are still looking a guild, you're welcome to check out Clair De Lune [Luna]. We are a PvE guild, focused on teaching folks GW2 through a variety of content, as well as learning things together as a guild. We like to keep our environment fun, but also informative. We are night guild, so our events can occur anywhere between 8PM (reset) - Midnight EDT.

Please check out our forum page HERE for information like the kinds of events we do, expectations, the kind of folks we're looking for, etc. Let me know if yall have any questions/concerns and I'd be happy to answer anything anyone has!

I noticed in the forum title that you are looking a "family friendly" guild, so I would like to inform you that there is cussing, inappropriate jokes said on occasion, and overall, a mature, adult environment. If this doesn't work with yall - that's okay and I wish you the best on finding the guild for you!

Edited by Cheyenna.4135
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Check out Guild Medieval:

Guild Medieval is foremost a community of like-minded people who happen to like playing online games together. We are only concerned about the person behind the keyboard, and not your gear or accomplishments. When joining us, you join our community which means interacting with members on our forums and discord, not just in-game. We are always recruiting, and our requirements are strict.

  • No Profanity.
  • No Harassment.
  • No Sexism/Racism/Bigotry.
  • No Hacks.
  • No Cheating.

We encourage fair play, courtesy, and camaraderie, with players both in-guild and out.

More about our guild: 


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Hey! So we are in the same boat!  Me and another friend who haven’t played in years are back. We just started a new guild focused on having a good time and just completing content together. If you want to join some people who are in a similar situation to your own you are more than welcome to join “Nova Synergia”! [Nova] we are a guild that has work and families and understands that you can’t make every single event or be on 24/7 so we hope to make events that can work for anyone’s schedule. 


just hit us up in game 


Urza Timeweaver

Vin The Mistling


or just join our discord




that goes for anyone reading this also! 

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