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Get the rid of Reveal Debuffs


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So i think it is now time that those unfair Debuffs are reworked or gone. It is pretty unfair that a class gets his defense and offensive debuffed from Sentries & Watchtowers. My solution would be that a stealthed enemy is marked and visible on the minimap. But it is pretty unfair now after the permastealth/SA rework is gone that u get a massive disadvantage. With this sad debuff it is God kitten hart to fight offensive around towers. It is also a joke that i have to kill a NPC first where my enemy can attack me directly.

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I agree with you there. The debuff is indeed probably the most unfair part of WvW now. I don't think it's appropriate after all the nerfs/reworks. I don't think your suggestion is bad at all. Still gives the deffer an advantage there but not as broken as now. The kitten things also stinks incredibly when you want to make the Zerg invisible.

Edited by Leolas.6273
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Before some people catch their breath, I'm not talking about Reveal as such but only about the guards and watchtowers. The traps, the target markers and the Reveal Skills will still be in the game as they are now.

Edited by Grebcol.5984
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9 minutes ago, Grebcol.5984 said:

Before some people catch their breath, I'm not talking about Reveal as such but only about the guards and watchtowers. The traps, the target markers and the Reveal Skills will still be in the game as they are now.

A Sentry is a stationary NPC that either can be spotted from afar or will appear in a certain colour (allied or hostile) depending on the flag above its station. If  anyone chooses to go past him directly and can't be bothered to circle around at 1200 range increments (my rough guess, did not check in game now), you will be spotted. That is the purpose of the Sentry. If it does not have that purpose, it is just an NPC on a low respawn that fills participation for those who want rewards (GoB e.g.) for zero effort and contribution to the mode.

The Watchtower upgrade is a big rotating searchlight on top of a tower. It is not there by default. Someone has to put it there. If a Thief or anyone else can't be bothered to look at the tower and notice, that he might not be able to go by unnoticed, he/she deserves to be spotted, revealed, whatever. A Thief, willingly choosing to fight near such tower, with all his abilities and choices not to go there deserves to be put on a disadvantage, because it is his choice to fight there, where he could fight anywhere else we wants to.

Sorry, my empathy for classes that can hide from plain sight for several seconds and move around to wherever they like is kind of limited. The games does not need to get easier for them by removing Sentry & Watchtower abilities.

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58 minutes ago, Grebcol.5984 said:

So i think it is now time that those unfair Debuffs are reworked or gone. It is pretty unfair that a class gets his defense and offensive debuffed from Sentries & Watchtowers. My solution would be that a stealthed enemy is marked and visible on the minimap. But it is pretty unfair now after the permastealth/SA rework is gone that u get a massive disadvantage. With this sad debuff it is God kitten hart to fight offensive around towers. It is also a joke that i have to kill a NPC first where my enemy can attack me directly.

It doesn't prevent stealthing. It just reveals after 3s of stealth (if i remember). I mean, if you're spotted you're marked regardless of whether a class using stealth or otherwise. Your issue about stealthing while being marked around unfriendly areas isn't an issue. It's just how you're choosing to play and failing to adapt / alter to a situation.

Edited by Chips.7968
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6 minutes ago, Chips.7968 said:

It doesn't prevent stealthing. It just reveals after 3s of stealth (if i remember). I mean, if you're spotted you're marked regardless of whether a class using stealth or otherwise. Your issue about stealthing while being marked around unfriendly areas isn't an issue. It's just how you're choosing to play and failing to adapt / alter to a situation.

They reworked SA so that u only get Ini when u go in stealth and come out. 3 secs are long and kills the flow. Without ini u can't do really anything. The debuff is unfair. As i said when is the debuff coming for bons, blocks and invul?

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Absolutely zero compassion for thieves whining about being revealed in any way. The class can still stealth more than any other class.  Thieves still have more mobility than most other builds. You're able to disengage a fight whenever you're losing. Get out of here with your crying. 

More reveals!!!

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36 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

You could just dodge the attack.... it's what you thieves tell the rest of us...

"You thieves" ....It is not a sign of wisdom to draw the same conclusions from a few to all. 


18 minutes ago, Evenge.4067 said:

Absolutely zero compassion for thieves whining about being revealed in any way. The class can still stealth more than any other class.  Thieves still have more mobility than most other builds. You're able to disengage a fight whenever you're losing. Get out of here with your crying. 

More reveals!!!

Confimation Bias is very strong here.

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21 minutes ago, Carmela.8756 said:

How do you backstab than? 😅

Backstab is a positional attack. A majority of thieves typically wait until their target is engaged with another player and then move in for the easy backstab/kill. Furthermore, a large number of players are completely unaware of their surroundings and lazer-focused only on what's directly in front of them...so getting a backstab w/o stealth is really quite easy.

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10 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

Backstab is a positional attack. A majority of thieves typically wait until their target is engaged with another player and then move in for the easy backstab/kill. Furthermore, a large number of players are completely unaware of their surroundings and lazer-focused only on what's directly in front of them...so getting a backstab w/o stealth is really quite easy.

But u need stealth for doing even a backstab because it is a stealth attack. Without stealth u can't do a backstab. xDD


That means a thief have to play how they play. No Stealth = No Backstab simple as it is.


April 30, 2013
  • Skills that must be performed from stealth are now labeled as "Stealth Attack."
Edited by Leolas.6273
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20 minutes ago, Clownmug.8357 said:

But what about the immersion? I can't take the game seriously if someone can just waltz around enemy territory out in the open without raising alarms.

Frodo & Sam was also waltz around in Mordor and the mighty Sauron didn't see it.

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Marked simply isn't a big deal. It prevents you from chaining stealth and that's it. You can still use it momentarily, and you get your sneak attacks and all the benefits of Shadow Arts. The short-duration Reveal from pew-pew rangers is a lot more damaging to thieves than fighting while Marked.

Also, you can just, like, kill the sentries.

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