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[NA][PvE-Strikes-Raids][18+][Chill] Domain of Furpex [DoF] is recruiting


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Welcome and Hello!

We are looking to grow our PvE squad for our weekly EoD Strike and Raid session. I’m Sparrow, the raid leader. We’re looking for relaxed and friendly players who have a sense of humour and can communicate effectively in a squad.


[Strikes-Raids group]

Currently we raid at Server Reset UTC +10 (for NA, this is Saturday and for Oceanic, it’s Sunday) for 2-3 hours, doing all EoD strikes and 2-3 wings per session. We are consistently doing Aetherblade and Xunlai CMs and having a full roster will let us work on KO and eventually Harvest Temple.

We’re looking for people who are able/willing to fill multiple roles in a squad so that we can all be flexible and change up what classes we play from time to time. Having 1 support class in addition to DPS is preferable, and a willingness to try new roles is ideal.

You don’t have to be massively experienced or have every piece of legendary gear. A willingness to learn is good, and you should be willing to speak up if you don’t know a boss’ mechanics. Many of us are experienced in many different roles and are happy to do training for boss-specific mechanics for fights like Dhuum, Deimos and the Qadims.


[Other Info]

We keep our raids very chill and casual; there’s no point in doing content if the squad gets so stressed that it’s not fun anymore. Yelling, bad manners or other drama is unnecessary, and repeated instances will result in being removed from the guild.

Meta builds are great, but it’s important that you play a class that you enjoy and fills the role first and foremost. I’m not going to quibble about different sources of support and damage if we have good boon uptime, good dps, and people are alive at the end of the fight. That being said, carrying a squad member isn’t going to happen either, so if you do use something a little different, make sure it works 😛

Discord is essential, but you don’t have to speak if you’re shy or quiet; listening and being able to work with the squad is the important thing.


We also do strikes and fractals on a Monday/Tuesday (NA/Oceanic, respectively), but these are entirely optional. 


If you’re interested, please send me a DM in-game (Sparrowhawk.5608) or my Discord (Sparrohawk#1085) and we can chat further!

Edited by Sparrowhawk.5608
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