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Do people STOMP anymore?


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I use downs as bait....

if someone downs off point, i let them bleed out until someone comes to rez, then I CC the guy trying to rez, put down some AoE and poison and cleave the guy rezzing until he goes down too... the first guy might die but the second guy replaces the first and I try my best to keep that cycle going.

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You know the irony how the PoF changed the game why is downed state still ingame now?We got now the cheese builds and we barely manage to stop or rally anymore.The only use is of downed state now is..To let enemy player in downed state to turn game into a 4vs5 to 3vs5 scenario....So much for even play field then you wait 30 to more secs to respawn to get back into action by that time enemy has 100 points...

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you wanna stomp?well...it is not so bad as long as you check for 2 thingsis there a Scourge nearby? yes? range cleave that corpse! you dont want a shade and an elite in the faceis there a holosmith? yes? range cleave the body! you dont want to get cc'ed and deleted right?you do not survive counter cleave from those two while stomping most of the time so no risking this

still FB can somewhat have a good a chance at getting a stomp with insta cast aegis and stab together and f3 has reflect bubble and resistance pulsing to make the stomp somewhat not so much of a bad idea.Holosmith has stab, stealth, projectile hate and elixir S for it if availableMirage can just use a dodge bar, a blink, stealth or a distort

i dont think anything else can go for a safer stomp

regardless, the best option is to cleave the body safely and for the potential kill on a rezz-or

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Sometimes~ <_<

It is kind of hard to dps down necro, he might murder me while i dps him so it is safer to stealth stomp (assuming no enemy is around).Vs mes you might actually die if you dps due to confusion stacks. Problem is, their downstate AI ignore stealth and continue to attack you while you are stealthed and stacking confusion (has been like this for years, never got fixed).

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Stomp if you have, lots of block during, invulnerability (is that still a thing?), evade frames and or stability.

It's an option that you can easily plan ahead for by leaving a defensive skill up so that you actually manage to complete it without taking too much damage or getting knocked away.

Lots of people are unable to judge that correctly all the time though (including me) so most people just don't stomp.

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The key here is if you can do a "No fault" stomp.... meaning with stability/invincibility that won't require you to duo./triple stomp from teleports and stealths.

if you can't do it and nobody's down, sometimes it's actually better to keep fighting and cleave than make yourself vulnerable for that stomp. Obviously if someone on your team is down, you gotta get it done but tactics do apply. The condimeta is also not helping here, especially if someone can instantly apply facemelting condis on you while you're in the middle of the stomp ( and thus can't cleanse)

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Well I prefer to keep downed play alive as long as I can :-1: I don't have to kill them again. 2. use them as bait to ae any one trying to rez them. 3. Save them as rez bait for when I get downed. So when I think about it the only time I would stomp is when I need that stomp to rez my own teammates.

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@Jeknar.6184 said:

@YoukiNeko.6047 said:Function gyro...

I thought Scrappers were officially deleted from the game since Scourge was introduced?

Well I can't 1vs1 scourge but I sure as hell can keep my team alive while they destroy them. And moa elexir actually can work if you time it correctly in the current meta.

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Rarely.Besides the classes that were always better to just dps after downed like Thief and Mes,theamount of damage(Power as well as Condition) pressure has increased to the point whereexposing your self even for the few seconds that it takes to stomp a downed player,will mostlikely result in you getting downed as well.Downed players and those trying to res/stomp them are AoE and DPS bomb magnets,I use themthat way all the time,and in the age of one shots,trying to stomp during team fights is the fastestway to die.

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