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i demand to be with other german servers during alliance beta week ..


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So a German speaking alliance, and Free agents speaking English?

Btw alliances are 500 slots how much people do you need to talk your same language?

I'm playing in Baruch and can't wait for alliances to come, I want to be able to have a little possibility to chose who I play with. Not like right now that you are forced to stay with some people in the server, and if you move people could move too.

Btw Teamchat is for calls and WvW related things, you wan to chitchat? alliance and guildchat.

Anet is trying to get more player in the game, and in the wvw gamemode, because if they dont it wont last long. The only ones holding back against getting new people are older players that doesnt want NOTHING to change. Well thats a good way to kill the game, dont think anet is gonna take that path.

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