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Feels like the game thinks my MMR is something other than it is


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To me it just feels like there is a forced 50/50 win rate put in place....

So if you're trying to climb through silver for example, you might win 5 matches in a row against silver players but all of a sudden you get queued against platinum's and Golds and you lose 4 in a row....

I'm sure we've all seen those unranked and bronze badges woop those platinum badges in the free for all arena so as for rankings, it's complete garbage and only Legendary players have a true rank reflecting their skills.

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@"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:but that's what happens when the average player level is really, really, really low compared to other pvp in mmo rpgs or mobas. this insta wipe at mid effect moments after close is capped is exacerbated by scourges and even more AOE's. also the average level has been getting lower. we're at the point where u have people double capping close after u said in teamchat that u cap close and they kitten run behind u, after not even commenting in teamchat.

gw2 has the worst average player quality i’ve seen in a pvp game. so many players just have legit no idea what they are doinghttp://78.media.tumblr.com/b5bae6c58150f9955aa01b3f8a8f8fc5/tumblr_ozlc5fePOa1s6ueo5o1_500.gif

sure it can be fun because it means i can farm on gunflame, but it’s usually just really exasperating. like a warrior popping full counter when he’s not being attacked... or when i’m out of range. like dude.... do you guys know what the buttons you press even do?

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We are many to have noticed and living this.

I wonder if the matches wouldn't be better if there was no game algorythm for the matchmaking. A complete random, at least, should be a 50/50 chance in the long run.

Just another thing, after a long period of loses, because game puts you always with the worst, the game will suddently calculate that you need some boost now and you will win most of your matches until it decide to change again.

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@Reaper Alim.4176 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:

gw2 has the worst average player quality i’ve seen in a pvp game. so many players just have legit no idea what they are doing

Go play Paragon and climb up to gold, then come back and say that with a straight face. I bet you would not be able to.

Nah go play gold tier Paladins, you'll laugh and cry all at the same time.

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