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[EU] - Desolation - The Yuan Dynasty (YD) is looking for new members

Kyla Jane.6138

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We're a PvX guild that has been around for over 2 years. We currently have over 200 members and are looking for new people - both new players and veterans - to join our community. We do most of the PvE content with raids and fractals being the most popular. You'll fit in if you: 


  • are self-reliant and don't need constant hand-holding or frequent group activities arranged for you 
  •  can initiate conversation and are quite social on both the guild chat and discord
  •  perfectly fine with occasional group activities 
  •  not afraid to take the lead and gather groups for the content you want to play
  •  pretty independent in-game
  • a casual or hardcore player who does their own thing


Don't apply, if you: 


  • need constant validation 
  • are racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. 
  • need others to arrange group content or event for you
  • have unrealistic expectations 


That's all for now. If you are a mature and self-sufficient player, then we would like to hear from you. 

Edited by Kyla Jane.6138
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