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Compilation of warrior bugs (updated: 13-Dec-2022)


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9 hours ago, The Raven.1320 said:
10 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Yeah, thats the thing I've been seeing with hammer, though for me I see it really only with hammer. What weapons were you using when this happened?

Axe/Sh & GS
Dagger/Sh & GS


It happens to me many times now with the combo that follows after the 4 of the axe, when changing to the greatsword and using the burst, the character stays thinking for a while before using the ability or does not use it directly, there is also the bug that uses the ability of the explosion of the greatsword but with the animation of the axe, it also happens with other weapons, a fairly old bug.

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On 12/15/2022 at 10:35 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Specific skills or in general?

For me it's been with Earthshaker, Fierce Blow, and Backbreaker, which you are supposed to combo together, so any delay breaks the combo. I've also not seen it happen when I have quickness up.

Just seems to be in general. It's like my character is going through video buffering when I'm trying to pull off some combos. 

I.E. Bulls Charge > Weapon Swap > Hundred Blades > Arcing Slice

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@Double Tap, not sure if you've continued following this conversation, but there have now been several reported instances of characters pausing for upwards of 1s between executing in game actions without any CC being applied to them. It seems to be an issue with queuing skills to activate and across multiple weapon types. I haven't noticed this myself while playing on my non-warrior alts though I'll be on the lookout for it.

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There is also another somewhat annoying bug that causes your abilities to cancel themselves and go into interrupt cd before even starting, i don't know if it has to do with the desynchronization of the server or a code error, it happens rarely with the 5 of the axe when the enemy passes behind you or through you, it's not the only melee skill this happens with and it also causes the character to get stuck for a while,It also happens for no apparent reason, that is to say without the need for your target to move strangely or even without a target.

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On 12/16/2022 at 8:50 AM, The Raven.1320 said:

Just seems to be in general. It's like my character is going through video buffering when I'm trying to pull off some combos. 

I.E. Bulls Charge > Weapon Swap > Hundred Blades > Arcing Slice

Ok it’s not just me. It mostly happens when swapping to great sword, yea? Like weapon swap -> arcing and the character just won’t do arcing? I don’t seem to get the issue when swapping to dagger or anything, only on GS personally. I thought I was slow on my button execution, but it was fairly strange when it would happen. If it were a bug that would make sense (though I may just be mistimed on my button execution).

Edited by oscuro.9720
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have found a neat little bug considering Bladesworn.
If you have the Endless Choya Dance Tonic you can put yourself in combat for a short duration everytime you use a dance skill. So spam 1-5 to gain flow until you can enter Dragontrigger.* If you enter Dragontrigger while being in the tonic, you now dont generate charges, instead you can walk very slowly and can use the Dragontrigger skills as many times as you want. Neither of the 3 skills do any damage and you can't exist this state unless youre able to enter Dragontrigger again or wait for Dragontrigger to run out.

If you give yourself 1 extra stack of flow and enter the tonic you get 1 more stack of flow each time you use a dance skill (up to 25 stacks of flow).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok dunno if it's just me having hardware issues or if it's a bug.


I got F1 binded to MMB and F2 binded to the fine aim side button (function disabled ofc).

Wen I got UW I can't pop zerker (F2) unless I manualy click the icon. F1 works fine.

(edit) Ok after some testing I come to the conclusion that the mouse key that I binded to F2 simply doesn't work UW.

I've switched functions - MMB doing F2, and the fine aim that's binded to F2 doing F1 and it's the F1 that's not working. If I bind F2 to any keyboard key works just fine.

If I bind anything to my mouse button that is assigned with the F2 key it works on land and stops working UW.

Using a Logitech G402

(edit) Just never mind everything I just wrote and delete the post. I had conflicting key-binds.


Edited by Blackthunder.8679
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Joko the insightful has found these bugs:


King of fires flame aura detonation is not triggered by entering berserk mode, which for all means and purposes should count as "berserker skill" (since it's a rage skill now).


Upon equipping the trait my warrior turns into a sunspear dog...


Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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2 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Joko the insightful has found these bugs:


King of fires flame aura detonation is not triggered by entering berserk mode, which for all means and purposes should count as "berserker skill" (since it's a rage skill now).


Upon equipping the trait my warrior turns into a sunspear dog...


Wouldn't it be a Mordent Crescent wretch in your case?

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On 12/5/2022 at 7:15 AM, Funajinyu.3598 said:

I'm very confident on this and can reproduce it very easily. I tested it extensively before deciding not to post on the bugs forum.
My ping is mediocre (70-90) and I bet on lower pings it'll be even easier to do. I can make and post a video if you wish.

On 12/5/2022 at 3:43 AM, Funajinyu.3598 said:

Here's one that has been bugging me forever but I didn't feel like posting in case Bladesworn players want to keep it on the hush-hush if it's a dps increase:
Casting 2 charges of Artillery Slash rapidly only consumes 1 charge of Overcharged Cartridges but both benefit fully from the increased damage.

Spreading out the 2 casts, even a little bit, consumes charges normally. If you rapid fire all 3 Artillery Slashes, the 3rd cast will consume a charge.
It's 100% reproducible in melee and most ranges, with or without quickness and only seems to consume charges properly at very specific ranges away from the target.

On 12/5/2022 at 7:06 AM, Zizekent.2398 said:

Seems kinda RNG, i tried it but still wastes all charges, not a single extra charge, i'll try playing bladesworn a lot for pve, might get lucky getting this bug.

Also, u sure you're not confused? because artillery slash has 3 ammo, not 2 like all other gunsaber skills.

Some insight into this one from a PVE Benchmarker perspective: AFAIK effectively Overcharged cartridges has an ICD on how fast charges can be consumed. So you jam your Gunsaber skills fast enough and you'll definitely notice that the number of Overcharged Cartridges stacks you consumed is less than your number of explosions you cast. Most obvious when you just press Gunsaber 3, 3 times in a row as fast as possible, and you'll probably only have consumed only 2 stacks.

More trivia is that this ICD seems to be different on a skill-by-skill basis somehow, but thats not super relevant to the actual bug report. 

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Wouldn't it be a Mordent Crescent wretch in your case?

Mordent Crescent Warriors carry themselves with dignity befitting Emperor's forces.
Meanwhile these sunspear mongrels are so desperate they try to brainwash common roadside fiends into their ranks!
Have you seen their latest "innovation"? Spellbreaker harpies! It's surprising we've yet to see spellbreaker rats, or maybe there's some rule preventing them from training one's own family...

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23 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Mordent Crescent Warriors carry themselves with dignity befitting Emperor's forces.
Meanwhile these sunspear mongrels are so desperate they try to brainwash common roadside fiends into their ranks!
Have you seen their latest "innovation"? Spellbreaker harpies! It's surprising we've yet to see spellbreaker rats, or maybe there's some rule preventing them from training one's own family...

Well all it takes for the Mordent Crescent is for the Sunspears to train them first.

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Does anyone know if bugs with burst abilities have been fixed?
The error of the information and update of the cd with the trait "Versatile Power" and the one that was reported several times here, which in the end is most likely because the level of the ability changes and it prescribes the order to execute it, how does it happen when you use the burst of the longbow just when it changes level and it does not execute because of that (it is the easiest weapon to replicate the error).
Versatile Power: It has not been solved, this error has been around for years or rather since the trait is here, anet plis XD

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm noticing some inconsistencies with Adrenaline generation lately, especially on Spellbreaker. On the training golem, when setting up the opener, Hammer 4 should generate enough Adrenaline to ready Hammer F1, but if you don't have your position to the golem's hitbox just right, it often doesn't generate enough adrenaline, so it ruins the opener (even if you got the rest of the opener right). You can reset and change your position slightly and it works fine.


I suspect this is related to the same bug that causes the in-game DPS meter to not track all of the damage from Axe 5 depending on your hitbox placement, even though ArcDPS sees it. 


In Shiverpeaks Pass/Icebrood Construct, the adrenaline issue seems way worse. It pretty much ruins the entire SpB rotation. On the flipside, both Octovine and the Crystals in Dragonstorm refill adrenaline on a single autoattack hit. Makes spamming F1 real nice on power berserker at least.


Also, I recognize these last two might be related to intentional encounter mechanics I'm not familiar with, but the inconsistencies with the training golem seem pretty straightfoward. 

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1 hour ago, Stadsport.8714 said:

I'm noticing some inconsistencies with Adrenaline generation lately, especially on Spellbreaker. On the training golem, when setting up the opener, Hammer 4 should generate enough Adrenaline to ready Hammer F1, but if you don't have your position to the golem's hitbox just right, it often doesn't generate enough adrenaline, so it ruins the opener (even if you got the rest of the opener right). You can reset and change your position slightly and it works fine.


I suspect this is related to the same bug that causes the in-game DPS meter to not track all of the damage from Axe 5 depending on your hitbox placement, even though ArcDPS sees it. 


In Shiverpeaks Pass/Icebrood Construct, the adrenaline issue seems way worse. It pretty much ruins the entire SpB rotation. On the flipside, both Octovine and the Crystals in Dragonstorm refill adrenaline on a single autoattack hit. Makes spamming F1 real nice on power berserker at least.


Also, I recognize these last two might be related to intentional encounter mechanics I'm not familiar with, but the inconsistencies with the training golem seem pretty straightfoward. 

MH no longer gives 10 adrenaline per CC, it was reduced to 7 adrenaline when it was moved into the Master tier of Defense. This is probably the source of what you are experiencing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Bladesworn, with gunsaber unsheathed, it's auto-triggering Shake It Off.  This stops happening once the gunsaber is sheathed.


This happens regardless of whether I have selected Tactics/Shrug It Off or not (I wondered if the bug was limited to that, but it's not).


I did try to find a mention of this bug already bug did not see it...apologies if this is already a known/documented issue.

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