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[NA][PvE] We Goof Nerds


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Hey guys! 


Nothing super special here. Honestly. WeGoofNerds is a group of streamers that play games and act stupid. I'm not here to advertise my stream and could genuinely care less if you came by or not. But, myself and another one of our members just started GW2. 


While I will most likely grab some other guilds as well, I wanted to start one for our small community. And let me be honest, it is very small, but we would love to get some more people in! 


I'm not here to promise that our guild will do a bunch of things. Right now, it has two people in it, who are very much still learning the game. 


What I can promise, is a place to hang out, laugh, have fun, and just chill. As we grow, I would have no issue adding to our discord and guild events, but 100% right now, this is meant as a super casual guild to hang out and make new friends. 


No activity rules. No requirements. Just be a good person.  


Don't be an elitist and be willing to help, or at the very least be nice, and all is good. Obviously. If you're offline for a year, you're probably getting kicked. 


Legit just wanting to start a guild for my tiny community and see if anyone is interested is joining. If so, in-game mail me at NuckedFuts.4932 and I'll get you an invite. Dont whisper me because I'm an idiot and will probably never see it. Feel free to respond here with your details and I can add you that way as well. 


Come join the goofiness! If you want, of course! 


Discord details will be in the guild MoTD. Hope to see some of you!

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