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EU Returning novice player LF active and helpfull guild to learn and do the endgame content that gw2 have to offer :)


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Hey! Im returning player who played for a little bit in the past but I dont know mutch about the game.

I just bought myself end of dragons which means I got all expansions now and id really like to get back into the game and do all endgame content if possible in the future.

I dont know yet what class to play but I got a max level mesmer but its abit too hard for me tbh...


Im looking for a guild that is active and uses voice and hangs in it and ofc when doing stuff togheter.


Im 38 years old.


Add me on discord if you got a spot for me in a guild where I can learn the ropes. Hyde#8616

Edited by jehrakal.4517
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