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[NA][PvE][Guild Hall] We Goof Nerds


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I've made this post before and was able to get a few, so I figured I'd try again! 


Welcome to WeGoofNerds! We are genuinely nothing special! We are a SUPER casual guild that believes in doing the best we possibly can without being toxic or uninviting. Most of our (6) members are new and we are all learning together, and we would love for some nee players, both brand new and experienced alike, to join us as we grow and have fun. 


Seriously, the main point of our guild is having fun, screwing around on discord, and having fun playing a video game. No requirements, no expectations. Just a chill place to hang out. 


We do ask that you be a decent human being. Racism and other such things are prohibited, but I mean, come on, it's 2022. Be a decent human being. 


You have 5 guild slots, why not make one of them just a chill place to hang out. 


Our discord is run by 4 variety streamers as its our community discord, and while the discord will tell you when we are live, we are not here to get viewers. None of care about that. I'm here to find cool people to game and have a fun time with. Discord info is in the guild MoTD. 


If interested, reply here or send me an in game mail at NuckedFuts.4932 and I'll send it over. We just got our guild hall and are slowly working on getting that built up. Darn you, Silverwaste Shovels. 


I look forward to meeting you all and hope to see you in game! 


Happy gaming, gamers!

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