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Nothing wrong with holosmith

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22 hours ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

Tools Holosmith is dominating, uncontested, the unofficial 1v1 leaderboard too while also being a prevalent force in ATs. Lets buff it more.

It has 1 stunbreak, any build with the right amount of cc can kill it or at least pressure off node

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Tools holo gets farmed by any focus fire or any burst in general. It lacks defensive tools to counter heavy pressure. Where other more meta builds have immunities, ports or stealth and often a combination of those 3 which are quite often ways to completely reset. 

Look at all the builds that metabattle considers "meta". All of them have more sustain due to one or more of those defensive CDs.  So holo is the easiest to focus down in a team fight where both teams have mostly meta builds. 

So it has to sidenode where it will face chronobunkers, catalysts and to some extend untamed. All of 3 of them being pretty good vs "wombo combos". 

Ive played vs all top dogs on both EU and NA and i havent seen a single holo being the carrying factor in any team.  Sure they have random moments where they catch someone off guards or with some def CDs down. But overall its mid tier tier at best. 

Edit: even in the clip by floody u see what happened at the very end. When he chased down RIP (the top holo on eu). 

Edited by amandavd.3574
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/22/2022 at 3:20 PM, Sahne.6950 said:


Holo has very little way of dealing with CC pressure.


That is not "Prohibited posts" or "Datamined or Leaked Content" or "Duplicate Posts" or "Discussing Moderation Decisions or Policy"

Holo has been meta since pof, why should we make it the best 1v1 in the game now.

Weaver doesn't have a playable dps or duelist build while sword weaver completely outclassed by sword holo. Where is the buff? Hello? Unnerf Twist of Fate maybe? Lightning Flash is still 35 seconds cooldown, not even a stunbreak and only 900 range? 

Edited by noneHotBuildTest.7251
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On 10/28/2022 at 7:28 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

Me on spb, after getting stunlocked and bursted down multiple times yesterday (same holo, was actually a pretty good player), just for trying to get close to the holo to dmg it "wait I thought I was doing the stunlocking". All the while everything I used either didn't connect or got blocked.

But oh well. Nothing new.

I play the tools holo build and routinely get crushed by good spellbreakers.

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On 11/6/2022 at 7:32 AM, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

the problem is nothing really changed, no substantial buffs and mechanical changes were made to holo. nerfing a build reflexively just cuz a spot for it opened up in the meta and someone actually had the foresight to theory craft it with gw2s non existent skill pool is what people hate about mmos. luckily in this game (and this mode especially) you don't have to grind for gear, but even then people like playing different builds and when their build is nerfed by the company for no other reason then its strong, that makes people want to quit. if there can be substantive nerfs to a build without reducing its role and place then great go for it. for holo i would nerf the perma superspeed, move some of the damage from holo 3 to 4, and get rid of the ability to get around the toolkit magnet animation. the auto might need toning down since it hits really fast and pretty hard, but then again so does reaper shroud so idk.

Holosmith doesn't have perma super speed in any form in pvp, they've already nerfed that forge 2 in the past when they doubled the cool down.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/3/2022 at 11:29 PM, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Holosmith doesn't have perma super speed in any form in pvp, they've already nerfed that forge 2 in the past when they doubled the cool down.

But holo got group perma superspeed in Photon Forge which no other class mirrors!

Is that not op enough?


Edited by noneHotBuildTest.7251
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13 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

But holo got group perma superspeed in Photon Forge which no other class mirrors!

Is that not op enough?

You're telling me that people run around single file following a holo because they need superspeed in pvp? Also Holo doesn't have perma superspeed application in forge, we've been over this, keep up.

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