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[EU] {PVE / PVX } New player looking for a social / PVE guild <3


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As the title says, I've recently picked up GW2 again and having an absolute blast.
However, as a long time MMO player I miss the interaction and social aspect of a guild.

I tend to be mainly PVE oriented but PVP or anything else I'm more then happy to participate in too.
Social events / Fashion shows / random chaos nights, the whole lot are always fun to join in with as well so count me in for those!

Currently very much so enjoying the game and speeding my way through lvling, but it would be amazing if I could find a guild to call home most likely long term.

Discord / voice are no problems and my schedule tends to be free as a standard in the evening.

If anyone thinks I might be a good fit please let me know on here, or if you just want to be friends and play together at some point that would be awesome too. 

As much as I'm enjoying the game its always more fun with more people!

Thanks in advance!

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Good day! Hope you're doing well. If you're still looking for a community, you're welcome to check out "Clair De Lune [Luna]". We're a guild that focuses on PvE content such as fractals, strikes, raids, guild missions, etc. As well as social things like Fishing Events and Drunk Nights.

You did, however, advertise yourself as EU and that your schedule is free in evening, so I'm not too certain how well our NA Evening would work for you, but thought I'd give it a shot just in case. If it seems it doesn't, that's no worries and wish you the best in finding a guild! ^-^

If you wanna look into our guild, you can find our forum page HERE. If you have any particular questions that haven't been answered in our post, let me know either on our page, a whisper in game, or a DM here and I'd be happy to answer anything I can!

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23 hours ago, Cheyenna.4135 said:

Good day! Hope you're doing well. If you're still looking for a community, you're welcome to check out "Clair De Lune [Luna]". We're a guild that focuses on PvE content such as fractals, strikes, raids, guild missions, etc. As well as social things like Fishing Events and Drunk Nights.

You did, however, advertise yourself as EU and that your schedule is free in evening, so I'm not too certain how well our NA Evening would work for you, but thought I'd give it a shot just in case. If it seems it doesn't, that's no worries and wish you the best in finding a guild! ^-^

If you wanna look into our guild, you can find our forum page HERE. If you have any particular questions that haven't been answered in our post, let me know either on our page, a whisper in game, or a DM here and I'd be happy to answer anything I can!

Hi! I did find a guild in the end for the EU side of things but thank you for the interest regardless ^^

The page does look absolutely amazing ❤️

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