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[NA/PvE] From The Âshes [ZERO] ┃ Casual & Experienced ┃ Pve, PvP, Fractals, Dungeons, Social Events


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From The Âshes is a new English speaking guild. [ZERO] is looking to improve our numbers of new, returning, and/or vets who love being social, having fun, and are open-minded and mature. If you're new to GW2, we have plenty of learning opportunities for you to join in on. We want folks who are open to learning from mistakes, can handle constructive criticism, and are ready to progress into content; have it be pvp, fractals, or dungeons!



  • We have no requirements of representing [ZERO], minimum level, event participation, nor prior gaming or content experience. However, please keep in mind that if you plan on participating in our Guild events, we have a mandatory sign up system which takes place through Discord. This system requires people to mark interested for an invite to the event squad or party.


  • Discord plays a very big part of [ZERO] as that's where our event announcements and reminders get posted, general conversations, resource guides/websites, and a bunch of other fun things like guild photos and fashion wars.
  • As a guild, joining voice comms is optional! It is up to the event maker whether the squad/party will be in Discord for the event. Please note that if we are hosting an event, we will more than likely be in Discord explaining or talking about it. If you have a barrier of some kind that prevents you from listening in on our conversations, let us know and we will provide you with accessibility.



  • All of our events operate on an EST (Eastern US) timezone. So our event times can start anywhere from 8:00PM (reset) to Midnight EDT.
    • Map Meta Runs
    • Fractals (Tier 1 through CMs)
    • Future social events
    • Dungeons
    • And a few other events that you'll have to find out for yourself!



  • We fully understand that life comes first and people have things to do outside of GW2. If life gets busy or things pop up, no worries! [ZERO] has an inactivity limit of 1month, but we have an option within our Discord which gives you the chance to say you're going to be away for awhile, preventing you from being kicked.
  • ZERO does not tolerate any elitism, toxicity, discrimination, sexism, or any other negative act that could harm an individual or group. If someone is to go against these rules, they are no longer welcome in our community.
  • We are a guild currently built to teach players about the riveting adventures of GW2, and we want you to feel accepted regardless of your gaming experience. Mistakes and questions are absolutely welcome here, regardless of how many times you have to ask for clarification!
  • Please note that ZERO has an adult environment when it comes to humor and language. In other words: adult jokes will be made on occasion, as well as frequent cussing. If that isn't your cup of tea, this guild probably is not for you!



  • Feel free to reply below or contact any of the listed folks below if you're interested/have any questions for us. If no one is online, send one of us mail saying you're interested and we'll be in contact with ya/invite you as soon as we get on.
    • Ivy.4789
Edited by Ivy.4789
  • Haha 1
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