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[NA][PvE][Guild Hall] We Goof Nerds


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Sup Gamers! 


We are WGN, or WeGoofNerds. WeGoofNerds is a group of 4 streamers that play a variety of games over on twitch. "Oh God, twitch streamers are starting to try and pry viewers from mmo forums!" Haha, no, far from it. I'm not here to get you to pop by streams. Could really care less. The only reason that is brought up is because we are a stream group and share a discord, and I feel I should be honest that our discord server isn't just for GW2. 


So, what does this have to do with GW2? WGN currently has 7 members. We are small. We are new. And I like to think we are pretty different then a lot of guilds out there. Allow me to explain why. 


1. We are small, and while we'd love to max out, we arent pushing for that. We want this guild to feel like friends, or family. 


2. No requirements. None. Zero. I mean, if you ha ent logged in, in a year, you'll probably get the boot, but that's about it. 


3. Rules are pretty simple. Be a decent human being. It's 2022. Be nice. I'm not here to tell you that you can't cuss or use language. Be yourself. Be a decent person. 


4. 18 or older. We are all adult. We use adult language. We have adult conversations. We don't want to be the reason a child is scarred. 


All in all, we are a super, super, super casual guild. We will take brand new, and experienced players a like. As we get more people, I am hoping to have some fun things to do as a guild, but for the most part, we sit in discord, act like idiots, and play a game we enjoy together. We really are just a group a friends, looking to expand our family and find some like minded individuals to join in our stupidity. 


You've got 5 guild slots. Why not make us one of them? Again. No requirements or expectations other than being a decent human. I think you'll find you enjoy hanging out with the group! The last few we've gotten have fit right in immediately!


If you are interested, respond below, or message me in game at NuckedFuts.4932. Don't whisper me, because I'm an idiot and will almost always miss it haha. 


Discord information is in the guild MoTD. 

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