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whiteside ridge


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In the beginning there were solo servers, just enough to fill 9 tiers in EU, total of 27. Whiteside Ridge was a bottom feeder in tier 9, with very little people. You could walk hours in their lands without spotting a single friendly soul and even if a group transferred there, they wouldn't accomplish much. So then a genius with noble cause managing the worlds, combined them with larger server so they can enjoy WvW as well. But Whiteside Ridge was still small. Then a group of nomads had idea about promised lands with very little natives. If they just took all the most experienced and strongest warriors over there, they can have all of it for themselves. No natives to hold them back and the land could hold many of them.

Even if they lacked numbers and were lazy at the start, the genius with noble cause provided them with matching soldiers to do the most tedious labor, PPT, for them. Eventually Whiteside Ridge grew to outnumber their neighboring nations so the Genius came over every 2 months to make sure no land had too many people, but people just kept going there over and over to enjoy the safety provided by their warriors. Genius never intended to create a monster but as time went by, cowardly warriors that feared defeat and fair fight, flocked under one banner to form unstoppable force.


This is how Whiteside Ridge grew from nothing to greatness.

Edited by Riba.3271
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10 minutes ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

And what about "Vabbi project"?

Tbf Vabbi was all about quality and disbanded as soon as they got too strong and could muster full maps. Whiteside Ridge came after and was a different beast that hunted any easiest blobs down through spying and commander focus. They were also content with farming commoners for years while never laying down their weapons or trying to make things harder for themselves. The moment the fights became just running forward and nothing else, they should have just transferred away.

Edited by Riba.3271
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Guilds not considered here. This is only about pug squads and roamers. 

WSR here. How many players we got? Well we certainly don't have double the numbers of our current opposing servers. It is not about numbers it is all about how you play the game and what your motivation is. 

The other servers mostly hide until 8 PM and *BAM* there they are with multiple ppt blobs and by 10 PM they are as gone as their motivation to fight anything they don´t outnumber.

Advice: if your server have a 35-40 man voice squad and you get rekt by a cloud half your size then you might want to consider your skills, not your coverage.

Edited by Magnuzone.8395
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46 minutes ago, Magnuzone.8395 said:


Guilds not considered here. This is only about pug squads and roamers. 

WSR here. How many players we got? Well we certainly don't have double the numbers of our current opposing servers. It is not about numbers it is all about how you play the game and what your motivation is. 

The other servers mostly hide until 8 PM and *BAM* there they are with multiple ppt blobs and by 10 PM they are as gone as their motivation to fight anything they don´t outnumber.

Advice: if your server have a 35-40 man voice squad and you get rekt by a cloud half your size then you might want to consider your skills, not your coverage.

lol you dont really believe people play from 8-10 cause "they dont want to fight anything they dont outnumber"?

not everyone is some lonely random online guy who can sit 12 hours from the morning til the evening infront his computer to run behind any other gw2 players in this pixel game or to hold somewhat virtual buildings xD

people have such what is called family, work, school, university, property to manage and take care for. they play in their free time and that is due mankind uses daylight for most productive work and society real life before they have some free time in the evenings before they need to get to bed early to be ready for what awaits them the next day. not everyones life runs in a WvW - supermarkt - eat- sleep routine...

if you already accuse other players of "hiding until 8-10" and judge other players false cause of their online time its time to close the game for at least 6 month and go out your door dude. gw2 got 300 viewers on twitch in NA prime time while there are 300 million people living in the USA...

nothing what happens in the game or on your virtual server is of any importance. take care and control of yourself again man.

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14 hours ago, Magnuzone.8395 said:

Advice: if your server have a 35-40 man voice squad and you get rekt by a cloud half your size then you might want to consider your skills, not your coverage.

Completely useless advice, at least from what I saw last week when we played with you, and I'm sure it will be the same throughout the period of this pairing. Describe a condition that never occurs. When I rarely managed to gather 30 friends to play with you, we saw you perpetually complete, you are always 50+ on any map you want to move. You have a crazy number of players. 

I often say that self-esteem, and really an ugly beast, when it gets out of hand, when it gets out of control it has the ability to make you completely blind, because it feeds itself, and locks you in a fantasy world of fantasies, denying anything others suggest to make you open your eyes again, just to continue feeding itself.

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15 hours ago, Magnuzone.8395 said:

Well we certainly don't have double the numbers of our current opposing servers.

Numbers very often deceive us. I have now checked the coefficients of your game and I see that your opponents are missing about 25% more players to get closer to your numbers. So let's try to look at these numbers together, and use round numbers to facilitate the reading of this postulate. 

Let's pretend that your server has 1000 players. Your game this week was + O - 1000 vs 800 vs 800 now to read these numbers better let's pretend to distribute them in equal parts on the 4 maps we can play. We get 250 vs 200 vs 200.

You are 250 and your enemies are missing 100 players to play it on an equal footing. They represent ''almost'' your 50%. I mean you should have played with quite a few fewer players . In hindsight the current mechanic, basically, should have made you play this week probably without a link.

The result would have been to get more fun for all players in your game, for all 3 sides of the game, more content for everyone, and credible competition. Of course you would no longer have the certainty of winning, and I understand that for many players it is something unbearable.

Ironically, those players blinded by self-esteem, completely lack self-esteem, and are '' afraid '' of not being prepared to win when conditions are the same for everyone.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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19 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

so these "pros" failed

In fact, Riba explained exactly the opposite. They have so hit the target that in a short time they got bored, to find content they had to start transfer aimlessly, looking for a competition a little more credible. 

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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18 hours ago, Magnuzone.8395 said:


Guilds not considered here. This is only about pug squads and roamers. 

WSR here. How many players we got? Well we certainly don't have double the numbers of our current opposing servers. It is not about numbers it is all about how you play the game and what your motivation is. 

The other servers mostly hide until 8 PM and *BAM* there they are with multiple ppt blobs and by 10 PM they are as gone as their motivation to fight anything they don´t outnumber.

Advice: if your server have a 35-40 man voice squad and you get rekt by a cloud half your size then you might want to consider your skills, not your coverage.

WSR server:

  • All roamers run only uber cheese.
  • Ganking squads run 8:2 cheese ratio.
  • Ganking squads usually need a minimum of 5 people and maximum of 50.
  • Ganking squads only engage in 10v1 to have fair fights.
  • Blobbing 24/7.
  • Outnumber enemy most of the day.
  • "Some" guilds exploiting inside enemy objectives and porting their frandz.

Did I forget about anything? It's only observation from this week alone though. Skill wise is below average, thus outnumbering enemy I guess. 
Kinda amusing though, to run only cheese builds and still have problems in 2v1 situations or even 3+v1 is a amazing in itself, but when you guys still die in 3v1 situations I must say, you must have some sort of special talent.

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current WSR is a dead clownserver lol. there's maybe a few old WSR alts left on it who barely ever play, other than that it's just tons of low quality, like most servers. i don't even remember if they have any other guild there atm outside of TLS, which is basically fitting in the scheme


20 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

In fact, Riba explained exactly the opposite. They have so hit the target that in a short time they got bored, to find content they had to start transfer aimlessly, looking for a competition a little more credible. 

the vabbi alliance thing kinda disbanded for various reasons. ofc it was overstacked, happens time and again. but also many good people stopped playing, some main leads quitted the game, many guilds disbanded.

the leftovers of vabbi are still like 20 times higher quality than WSR tho lol

but ye, Wvw overall looks dire atm. it's as dead as it never has been thanks to the bad balance atm. when u cannot do sh#t against zergs, the gamemode will really die. no more memes

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On 11/5/2022 at 1:22 PM, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

but also many good people stopped playing, some main leads quitted the game

We hope it's the right time, we hope that something can really change and give everyone a better competition. We hope that with alliances Anet will build around the always renewed teams a formula of competition per season. We hope that those good players will be stimulated and intrigued by these changes so as to bring them closer to this game, and we hope to see many new players who will then become experts. 

And we hope that everyone brings or brings back to the table that natural sporting spirit, competitive, where what matters is to participate and not just win.

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