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Let's talk LI Warrior


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Hey peeps! How's your day goin'? Hope you all doin' wonderful.

So, i have some issues that kinda put me off playing builds that weaponswap constantly. My main class at the beginning of the game was Engineer and i don't want to relive that even for a second. Been playing Warrior for like 4 months now, and it's my new main. I used the metabattle Spellbreaker LI build for the beggining, an Axe/Dagger sustain OW spellbreaker. It isn't bad, Axe is a good weapon, and all you need to do really is change either Spb entirely or just some traits and put a offhand axe for group content ( It's honestly a bit of a pity that most Warrior builds i saw that have LI potential are Axe/X, just not viable to bring the tried and true sword and shield. But i digress. ).

In the wake of Teapot's LI contest ( I think there was a under 10apm 20k+ Axe berserker build there ), i kinda am interested now: Did any of you mighty battle entusiasts and warlords did your own LI builds? Or even some chill builds even if they involved weaponswap? I myself am trying ( without success ) to figure out a passable Hammer LI Warrior to play open world and entry-level group content ( training strikes, low level fractals and meta events ) and solo some stuff. The Spb build  solos well, and i kinda wanted that, but sadly it seems unviable because the Hammer traits are all at odds with the sustain traits.

Anyway, any of you, great theorycrafters of the arts of pure melee combat and raw grit have any builds or talk you would like to share? I would hope to leave here learning something.

Thanks in advance <3

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My favorite LI build on warrior is double dagger spellbreaker.


All you need to do is auto attack, for great justice and F1 and you deal decent damage, generate incredible amounts of might stacks and have enough sustain to tank almost anything.
You can also easily increase your damage by using all weapon skills as well as swapping the healing and might signet for mending and kick to get more from the peak performance trait as well as CC and more stacks of attackers insight.

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16 minutes ago, Scalacious.4139 said:

My favorite LI build on warrior is double dagger spellbreaker.


All you need to do is auto attack, for great justice and F1 and you deal decent damage, generate incredible amounts of might stacks and have enough sustain to tank almost anything.
You can also easily increase your damage by using all weapon skills as well as swapping the healing and might signet for mending and kick to get more from the peak performance trait as well as CC and more stacks of attackers insight.

That's a classic. SpB seems to really be the best besides Core for a LI build. D/D is really good but anything with offhand dagger is good spellbreaker material. My LI build right now is a Celestial Sword/Dagger build, altho i'm still struggling with the weapon sigils and armor runes. Sword isn't really the best weapon, several of it's skills are wonky ( savage leap locks you into pace for a small frame before leaping, and sword burst is quite weak ) but i really like the autochain and final thrust. Getting 11k FTs is fun.

I don't use signets in general tho, besides Rage. I was using heal signet but Mending is better with Peak Performance. I also use bull charge and stomp, so PP has quite the value. I'm using Banner of Strength as a substitute for FGS, i don't know if it's better but i like the daze for breakbars, since i use a bow on my backbar. Rage gives good adrenaline regen, so i keep it for the passive.

I soloed both stories for Crucible of Eternity and Honor of Waves yesterday for achievements, and that bow was a life saver for Kudu's fight and the Bane's fight too.

I really wanted to make a passable Hammer LI build, but i'm overthinking. The good Hammer traits are at odds with the sustain traits, which kinda puts a wrench on my plans. Quickness is mandatory for a Hammer or Mace build because both weapons are unbearably slow without it.

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17 minutes ago, Shadowpeixera.2918 said:

I really wanted to make a passable Hammer LI build, but i'm overthinking. The good Hammer traits are at odds with the sustain traits, which kinda puts a wrench on my plans. Quickness is mandatory for a Hammer or Mace build because both weapons are unbearably slow without it.

Yeah, you miss out on a lot of sustain if you want perma quickness. I would go strength and defense all bottom traits and spellbreaker top-bottom-bottom with dagger/axe and hammer. With those traits, you get quickness from dagger 3, axe 4, hammer F1, 4 & 5 as well as F2 on both. Go for kick and bull's charge/stomp for peak performance and quickness. You don't need banners or concentration, but your only sustain would be from your healing skill, most likely mending, and adrenal health.

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1 hour ago, Scalacious.4139 said:

Yeah, you miss out on a lot of sustain if you want perma quickness. I would go strength and defense all bottom traits and spellbreaker top-bottom-bottom with dagger/axe and hammer. With those traits, you get quickness from dagger 3, axe 4, hammer F1, 4 & 5 as well as F2 on both. Go for kick and bull's charge/stomp for peak performance and quickness. You don't need banners or concentration, but your only sustain would be from your healing skill, most likely mending, and adrenal health.

Indeed, but at that point you're not a LI build anymore. I think it's a good DPS build ( i remember seeing people commenting on a new dps warrior hammer build ) but it's a lot of sacrifices to have a solo build.

I don't want to make this a "buff warrior weapons" thread, but it's kinda telling that only Axe is the weapon that doesn't require specialization for it to be viable. Sword/Mace/Hammer all require trait specialization to be usable. Even GS becomes a glorified mobility tool for Axe.

I wonder if a LI mace build could be made.

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6 hours ago, Scalacious.4139 said:

If they gave the mace auto chain condition damage, I could totally see a condi dps berzerker LI build. The primal burst for mace skull grinder allready applies bleeding and confusion.

That would be ungodly fun. I wonder if they would have the same idea for Hammer as a hybrid condi/power weapon? I feel like Mace needs the condi boost but shouldn't get nerfed power coefficients so it fills a hybrid p/c role. Since Mace and Hammer traits are the same now, would make sense for Hammer to be the hybrid twohander, while GS/Rifle fills the power role, and bow the pure condi role.

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