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[EU] Inexperienced end game players unite! Join Unskilled And Afraid [BAD]


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Are you level 80 and looking to get actively involved with end game content but don't know where to start? Ever feel timid to join groups because you don't know what you're doing? Have a bad experience using LFG? Join BAD and never feel that way again.


We're a group of inexperienced players that banded together on the game's main sub and we've got the perfect space for players like you. Our goal: maintain a comfortable space for level 80 players who want to get into dungeons, fractals, strikes, and even raids without pressure. Experience is not a requirement. DPS checks are not a thing. Specific builds are not required. All we ask is for you to keep a positive attitude while learning - and failing - content together.


We're open to active level 80 players ready to learn or continue through end-game content. Most runs will have guidance from players who have learned with us and now lead events, but some runs may also be fully blind where you'll learn together with other inexperienced players. We all know what it's like to be new and totally confused by mechanics but we'll figure it out together and get better.


Hop in, talk to us, check us out - no commitment!


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