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NA/Crystal Desert, Returning Player LFG.


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Came back a few weeks ago and just looking for a decent guild to play with. Re-learning the ropes but most of it is coming back pretty quickly. I really want to just get back into everything minus WvW (i'm not really big into it, maybe one day but I do like arena PvP). Working on a new chr since I want to branch out of just doing the same old thing for the last few years etc. Mainly looking for a social group that isn't just, "We're very active! hop onto discord because it's required. AND WE DO STUFF." Then proceeds to have nobody on there and only 1-2 people having a conversation in game while 40 peeps are online. That's not very social, imo. Probably being super picky but I really just want people to game with that want to do content every now and then, or everyday in a perfect world (not likely). Every time I take a break in this game, it's mainly because I feel like I'm playing single player. I am on EST but pretty flexible on weekends. Weekdays are usually 6PM-12AM EST due to work.


Figured I'd make a post because checking the subreddit for GW2 guilds and even the forums hasn't really met w/ much luck. I'm cool with small or large guilds. Just really want to make new friends and feel like I'm actually playing an MMO and not Guild Wars 2: The Offline Saga.

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