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[EU] Returning player looking for a Guild - Solved already found a Home :)


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Hi there,


I wanna return to gw2 - last time I played was about four years ago - at that time I was doing dungeons and WvWvW.


About me:

I am 36 Years old.

Time played in GW2: 580hours

Main: Guardian 458hours

I got a lvl 80 thief aswell - but I dont't remember playing him much.

I am a competitive person if I do something I want to excel at it, beside that I am a chill character I won't brag or flame.

I speak fluent english and german (I am from Austria) I have a good amount of time to play and a good mic - I don't stream.

I get kinda annoyed by people who have the need to brag around and  either don't do it in a fun way or can't back it up.

I don't have any dlc's yet but I could buy them at any time.


Why do I wanna return:

I get the feeling that I should've never left.

Always chasing the next big thing so far I tried GW1, EVE, ESO, WOW, New World, Swtor, BDO and though every game has it's pros and cons I liked the fight system of BDO the most with GW2  second and I won't get back to the hardcore BDO grind with p2w and the gambling upgrade system. So that's why I am here again.


So what I'd like to see in a guild:

People with some goals working towards them.

Some teachers helping me catch up with stuff for example my inventory is full with sets of old meta gear and buff food for speed running dungeons and I'm kinda lost.

Definitely some WvWvW I remember having a blast there dropping zergs with a coordinated group.

Dungeons/Fractals/Raids - don't know what's fun now but wanna do some pve content aswell.


What you can expect:

A dedicated member eager to learn who respects other people and gives his best to advance with you and have fun.


Fun fact about me:

I can hold my breath for 4m:30s



Kind regards







Edited by Sethz.3762
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