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Why is mechanist constantly nerfed

Juka Kingston.6035

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2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

There's a pretty big caveat to this. 

In order to achieve automatic perma-alac without the pet, you need to invest more than one traitline. 

You need 2 traitlines + a rune. You are hard locked into Alchemy + Mechanist (w/ Crisis Zone) + Rune of sanctuary. Without any of the three the synergy breaks and this stops working. 

What? You only need Rune of Sanc and Healing Signet with that trait. No Alchemy required - just Mech. Those are hardly investments either, since the Sanc is already really good, and the heal is a no brainer with the signet mechanist trait and the alac buffing it and turning it into a ~17s heal skill that doesn't lose its passive when activated. In cele stats, that's a ~5.5k heal over time plus a 5.5k active every 17s .. to both you and the mech.

I'm using it now on my roaming build. It's busted. The mech could just as well not exist and I'd still run it.

2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

The loss of toolbelts on top of this is also significant. 

Throw wrench, Renewing Mist, Toss Elixir S, Toss elixir X, Static Shock, Supply Drop... 

You only lose 2 toolbelt skills, since the mech skills you gain take their spots, plus you could consider the call-mech skill another one. Plus, the mech skills are actually better than toolbelt skills! Eg. Crisis Zone is better than Healing Mist

Couple this with the mech constantly auto-attacking a target, while doing damage equivalent to 2 stacks of burn on cele just .. constantly, I don't know how you can choose not to run it. Believe me, I wish I could get as much value from a core traitline instead, but I just can't justify it. Every time I do the math, nothing adds up to compete with 25% lower cooldowns on everything.

Edited by coro.3176
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51 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

What? You only need Rune of Sanc and Healing Signet with that trait. No Alchemy required - just Mech. Those are hardly investments either, since the Sanc is already really good, and the heal is a no brainer with the signet mechanist trait and the alac buffing it and turning it into a ~17s heal skill that doesn't lose its passive when activated. In cele stats, that's a ~5.5k heal over time plus a 5.5k active every 17s .. to both you and the mech.

I'm using it now on my roaming build. It's busted. The mech could just as well not exist and I'd still run it.

Hold on, you are right. I forgot they changed rune of sanctuary to work with heal over time effects. It also appears that WvW didn't recieve the same harsh nerfs to crisis zone that PvP did. The 4 second ICD that effectively deleted this synergy is reduced to 1 second in WvW. Making perma alac possible with some boon duration. (Albiet after taking damage).  

51 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

You only lose 2 toolbelt skills, since the mech skills you gain take their spots, plus you could consider the call-mech skill another one. Plus, the mech skills are actually better than toolbelt skills! Eg. Crisis Zone is better than Healing Mist

On paper yes. If you're just running the numbers, Crisis Zone does a lot more things. It provides alac, stability, aegis, prot, and breaks stun. Also cleanses so it's effective against immobilize, and can be used pre-emtively to outplay crowd control.  A very good skill all things considered. 

The fundamental flaw with this skill is how you receive the value. In order for it to work you must 

  1. Be near your pet. 
  2. Hope your pet isn't also CC'd. 

These two things conflict because stacking on your pet leaves you open to AoE crowd control (e.g. Holographic Shockwave, Earthquake, Earthshaker). 

For whatever reason, Crisis Zone does not stunbreak the pet, so if your pet is CC'd, this skill is inaccessible. If you are split apart from your pet, you do not have a stunbreak, which gives your opponent a way to counterplay your stunbreak (provided they are aware of this weakness). 

This unreliability is difficult to evaluate in mathematical equations. I consider Renewing Mist a superior skill in practice because it does not have any of these weaknesses. It's a stunbreak that you can always depend on. 

51 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

Couple this with the mech constantly auto-attacking a target, while doing damage equivalent to 2 stacks of burn on cele just .. constantly, I don't know how you can choose not to run it. Believe me, I wish I could get as much value from a core traitline instead, but I just can't justify it. Every time I do the math, nothing adds up to compete with 25% lower cooldowns on everything.

You consider it for reasons that are difficult, if not impossible to quantify mathematically. 

How do you evaluate 4 seconds of stealth vs extra damage + weakness. 

How do you evaluate a burst cleanse + heal vs extra damage + CC?

How do you weigh the ability to completely bypass stability, necromancer shroud, lich form, berserk form, instantly delete all necromancer minions, and outplay other abilities that are difficult to interact with by using Toss Elixir X vs the toolbelts mech provides you? I value core engi's versatility over Mech's raw numbers. The ability to turn the tables on a Harbinger by Moa'ing them when they pop cope elixir and run you down with stability is a feeling that Mech will never achieve, even if they possess higher overall stats. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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Agree that it is hard to compare the value of toolbelt vs mech, but I just need to highlight again: 25% cooldown reduction on everything. That is so good I can't not run mechanist just for that one combo.

That, I am confident, is worth it. If WvW got the PvP nerf (as it deserves, like many many other broken things on other classes) then I might consider core again.

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20 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

Agree that it is hard to compare the value of toolbelt vs mech, but I just need to highlight again: 25% cooldown reduction on everything. That is so good I can't not run mechanist just for that one combo.

That, I am confident, is worth it. If WvW got the PvP nerf (as it deserves, like many many other broken things on other classes) then I might consider core again.

Small nitpick: It is 20% cooldown reduction, not 25%.

Alacrity increases your recharge rate by 25%, which translates to the cooldowns being reduced to 80% of their original duration. Which means a 20% cooldown reduction.

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On 11/17/2022 at 1:09 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

Small nitpick: It is 20% cooldown reduction, not 25%.

Alacrity increases your recharge rate by 25%, which translates to the cooldowns being reduced to 80% of their original duration. Which means a 20% cooldown reduction.

I am very bad at math , but when i imagine how alacrity works is : till you have it all 1secondes are changed to 0,75 secondes , so it is a 25% reduc. for me , skill that recharge in 4secondes when you have 100% alac : 0,75 x 4 -> 3secondes then ? Basically 1seconde of alacrity make all your skills who are already on cooldown recharge faster for 0,25 sec ? I think it is not really a %.

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10 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

I am very bad at math , but when i imagine how alacrity works is : till you have it all 1secondes are changed to 0,75 secondes , so it is a 25% reduc. for me , skill that recharge in 4secondes when you have 100% alac : 0,75 x 4 -> 3secondes then ? Basically 1seconde of alacrity make all your skills who are already on cooldown recharge faster for 0,25 sec ? I think it is not really a %.


No, Kodama is actually correct. Alacrity increases your recharge rate from 1s to 1.25s (at 25%), meaning in 1s you recharge 1.25 seconds of the cd. It doesn't actually reduce the cd. The skill wording here can be misleading.

When applied it ends up in reducing the total cooldown by 20%.


A 5s cd skill takes, 1.25+1.25+1.25+1.25 = 5 aka 4 seconds to recharge. Thus the recharge reduction is 20% (1/5th reduced).

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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On 11/14/2022 at 12:56 PM, Juka Kingston.6035 said:

The developers said they like having a low intensity option for classes, like the mech. For people like me, it’s one of the few classes I enjoy playing. While I appreciate composing some Mozart symphonies once in a while (ele, scourge etc) sometimes I want to focus on the battle and not on playing a piano. 

I just don’t see how the mech overperforms right now. Maybe if the other classes are afk? After all these nerfs in last month, mech is bottom of the barrel on bossfights. Only time it really shines, is when there’s aoe (piercing rifle). If that’s the issue maybe rework the rifle? Or give other classes some aoe options too. Otherwise what’s the point of being a mech anymore, if it’s just going to be nerfed into the ground.

Mech keeps getting nerfed because people keep crying about it after their feelings are hurt.

And, unfortunately, anet listens to those types of people and caters to them. So, here we are today.

Personally I don't run mechanist e-spec, scrapper fits more my playstyle, but i'd still want mech to be relevant in the game.

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7 hours ago, Ghos.1326 said:

Mech keeps getting nerfed because people keep crying about it after their feelings are hurt.

And, unfortunately, anet listens to those types of people and caters to them. So, here we are today.

Personally I don't run mechanist e-spec, scrapper fits more my playstyle, but i'd still want mech to be relevant in the game.

Mech got nerfed because it was overperforming.  It's still the highest representation class post-nerf.  Any other class would love to be that relevant.

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On 11/18/2022 at 8:58 PM, Ghos.1326 said:

Mech keeps getting nerfed because people keep crying about it

In regards to some of the previous nerfs yes but this one seems to be more the result of the balance team not understanding that while "class representation" can, in some cases, be indicative of an issue it still has a lot more to it than just whether or not something is "over/underperforming" leading to a situation where they are now trying to "fix" something which is neither a problem nor something they should concern themselves with, blatantly going against their stated "Balance Philosophy" in the process.

If they really were going after what "people keep crying about" then the visual clutter would have to be the thing to focus on but strangely enough this one keeps getting ignored in spite of the fact that it's actually the oldest and currently by far the most prevalent / least controversial complaint.

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10 hours ago, caveslug.5934 said:

If it's power is brought down and people still play the class it's still nerfed, bringing it down until people leave the class isn't the answer.

Even if they buffed a class like Weaver to do more damage, the "pro" gamer's will still kitten and moan about mech.

Which is why people are asking for a rework. Like changing signets to something else so it's not as passive anymore.

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Strictly speaking for PVE contents ;

You will never get an adequate answer beside "overperforming". Mech still playable, even after the recent nerfs. As long as you are adequate enough, nobody will reject / kick you just being a power dps rifle mech. And just like when power dps rifle mech was "overperforming" , nobody will reject you for joining PVE group for playing non power dps rifle mech. Its just too unfortunate that ANET keep choosing the easiest solution for balancing dps mech, tinkering with numbers.

For instance, ANET can just add more than "having a mech" as the entire e-spec mechanic. They can add more mechanic to the e-spec like add an "energy bar / battery charges" , that built up when you use your weapon skills, and those energy bar will be the resource for using mech skills. Rifle and pistol give less energy bar generation charges, while mace have higher energy bar generation charges. Shift the source of dps more into the mech rather than the engi itself, but the engi has to be active in order to powering up the mech. 

Or make the engineer to actually ride the mech. The mech will have a certain amount of passive "battery / energy" generation. When the bar is full, the engi wants to ride the mech and use all of the mech skills. While the bar isnt full, the mech is only a passive turret that does auto attack. Make mace the primary weapon that generates the most "battery/energy" charges generation, while rifle and pistol give less. 

With that, not only mechanist will be more active and carefully played since having the mech dead means you have 0 value, there will be less reason to nerf dps mech. But I guess its too much work, and also the problem of mech fiasco isn't just about dps numbers, but overall combat system that even though it is unique and different than most of MMORPGs with their holy trinity, it also creating problems that require unique solution for it to be effective, not just tinkering on how much does X ability deal damage. Like for example, on how an e-spec / profession delivering its damage in a real situation, not in training golem where there is no hazard and the need of reactive gameplay such as ; saving cc skillls to deal breakbar damage not for dps rotation, using mobility skills for mobility not for dps rotation, and to a certain extent using healing skill to heal not to reset your certain ability for dps rotation.

Simply making A spec deal less damage than B spec because A spec requires less effort to be played in dealing damage than B thus making spec A is much more popular than B spec is not balance, its a forced-meta shifting based on popularity. And ANET should learn in the meantime on why spec A become popular before keep nerfing it, try to understand and make changes to spec B, so spec B is also desired to be played on, at least near the same scale, of spec A was played before. Remember, just because spec A does 5k more dps than spec B, doesn't mean spec B will be alienated and declined by every single PVE groups out there. Players don't care which spec you are playing, how much dps you deal above the acceptable numbers, as long as you are a competent player that know how to play, what to do, and don't dragging down your group, nobody will care. 


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On 11/22/2022 at 5:31 AM, sigmundf.7523 said:

Strictly speaking for PVE contents ;

You will never get an adequate answer beside "overperforming". Mech still playable, even after the recent nerfs. As long as you are adequate enough, nobody will reject / kick you just being a power dps rifle mech. And just like when power dps rifle mech was "overperforming" , nobody will reject you for joining PVE group for playing non power dps rifle mech. Its just too unfortunate that ANET keep choosing the easiest solution for balancing dps mech, tinkering with numbers.

For instance, ANET can just add more than "having a mech" as the entire e-spec mechanic. They can add more mechanic to the e-spec like add an "energy bar / battery charges" , that built up when you use your weapon skills, and those energy bar will be the resource for using mech skills. Rifle and pistol give less energy bar generation charges, while mace have higher energy bar generation charges. Shift the source of dps more into the mech rather than the engi itself, but the engi has to be active in order to powering up the mech. 

Or make the engineer to actually ride the mech. The mech will have a certain amount of passive "battery / energy" generation. When the bar is full, the engi wants to ride the mech and use all of the mech skills. While the bar isnt full, the mech is only a passive turret that does auto attack. Make mace the primary weapon that generates the most "battery/energy" charges generation, while rifle and pistol give less. 

With that, not only mechanist will be more active and carefully played since having the mech dead means you have 0 value, there will be less reason to nerf dps mech. But I guess its too much work, and also the problem of mech fiasco isn't just about dps numbers, but overall combat system that even though it is unique and different than most of MMORPGs with their holy trinity, it also creating problems that require unique solution for it to be effective, not just tinkering on how much does X ability deal damage. Like for example, on how an e-spec / profession delivering its damage in a real situation, not in training golem where there is no hazard and the need of reactive gameplay such as ; saving cc skillls to deal breakbar damage not for dps rotation, using mobility skills for mobility not for dps rotation, and to a certain extent using healing skill to heal not to reset your certain ability for dps rotation.

Simply making A spec deal less damage than B spec because A spec requires less effort to be played in dealing damage than B thus making spec A is much more popular than B spec is not balance, its a forced-meta shifting based on popularity. And ANET should learn in the meantime on why spec A become popular before keep nerfing it, try to understand and make changes to spec B, so spec B is also desired to be played on, at least near the same scale, of spec A was played before. Remember, just because spec A does 5k more dps than spec B, doesn't mean spec B will be alienated and declined by every single PVE groups out there. Players don't care which spec you are playing, how much dps you deal above the acceptable numbers, as long as you are a competent player that know how to play, what to do, and don't dragging down your group, nobody will care. 


That's a lot of writing just to get around to making the same tired argument every mech defender makes (i.e. "Balance doesn't matter.").  If it's okay for other specs to deal 5k less DPS then it's okay for mech as well, no?  As long as you don't drag down your group, nobody will care, right?  So what's the problem?

The problem was that mech wasn't "overperforming".  It was overperforming!  You'd join open world squads and see top 10 DPS all mechanist.  You look at wingman stats and it has 36% representation in fractals/raids/strikes with top DPS in nearly every single encounter in the game.  It was even being stacked for speed run and low-man records!  On top of that it dominated alacrity support as well.  At what point is a spec problematic in terms of balance if not then?  How can you even pretend to be skeptical about this and keep a straight face?

It wasn't "lazy" of ANet to balance it by the numbers.  It was necessary.  I'm with you if you want to say that the core design of mechanist was a stupid idea and that they should not have made it so passive and barebones.  The signets, the removal of the toolbelt, etc.  It forced their hand in making the AI too strong in order to make the spec useful.  But at this point it is what it is and besides, many players enjoy it.  So their option is to balance it by the numbers so that it isn't so dominant.  It was the right call to make.

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31 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

That's a lot of writing just to get around to making the same tired argument every mech defender makes (i.e. "Balance doesn't matter.").  If it's okay for other specs to deal 5k less DPS then it's okay for mech as well, no?  As long as you don't drag down your group, nobody will care, right?  So what's the problem?

The problem was that mech wasn't "overperforming".  It was overperforming!  You'd join open world squads and see top 10 DPS all mechanist.  You look at wingman stats and it has 36% representation in fractals/raids/strikes with top DPS in nearly every single encounter in the game.  It was even being stacked for speed run and low-man records!  On top of that it dominated alacrity support as well.  At what point is a spec problematic in terms of balance if not then?  How can you even pretend to be skeptical about this and keep a straight face?

It wasn't "lazy" of ANet to balance it by the numbers.  It was necessary.  I'm with you if you want to say that the core design of mechanist was a stupid idea and that they should not have made it so passive and barebones.  The signets, the removal of the toolbelt, etc.  It forced their hand in making the AI too strong in order to make the spec useful.  But at this point it is what it is and besides, many players enjoy it.  So their option is to balance it by the numbers so that it isn't so dominant.  It was the right call to make.

The thing is, since mechanist is so easy to play, it most likely will keep getting used heavily until the numbers are nerfed that hard that people don't think it's viable anymore....

Which means that if we balance around these numbers, then mechanist will simply not be allowed to be good anywhere. That has been my biggest fear when they revealed mechanist.

Because of the "automatic gameplay" of a pet class, mechanist will either be overrepresented and then seen as OP by the community (simply because people are lazy and prefer to run a build that plays itself instead of putting work into something) or nerfed into uselessness.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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9 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

The thing is, since mechanist is so easy to play, it most likely will keep getting used heavily until the numbers are nerfed that hard that people don't think it's viable anymore....

Which means that if we balance around these numbers, then mechanist will simply not be allowed to be good anywhere. That has been my biggest fear when they revealed mechanist.

Because of the "automatic gameplay" of a pet class, mechanist will either be overrepresented and then seen as OP by the community (simply because people are lazy and prefer to run a build that plays itself instead of putting work into something) or nerfed into uselessness.

If what is "viable" is determined by things like SC benchmarks and which classes are producing the highest DPS logs in wingman or being stacked for speedrun and low-man records, then that has very little impact on the average player.  Meanwhile, mechanist's ease of play and other advantages will continue to produce better results for the average player who is in no way capable of producing anything close to optimal performance from other specs.

In my experience running content like daily T4 fractal pickups, mechanist remains a competitive DPS spec post-nerf.  I wouldn't expect to see it topping the charts in a high-UFE CM static, but that has no bearing on the way the game is played for the vast majority of players.

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10 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

The thing is, since mechanist is so easy to play, it most likely will keep getting used heavily until the numbers are nerfed that hard that people don't think it's viable anymore....

Which means that if we balance around these numbers, then mechanist will simply not be allowed to be good anywhere. That has been my biggest fear when they revealed mechanist.

Because of the "automatic gameplay" of a pet class, mechanist will either be overrepresented and then seen as OP by the community (simply because people are lazy and prefer to run a build that plays itself instead of putting work into something) or nerfed into uselessness.

Called this exact thing happening as well. 

From day 1 of it's reveal, my immediate thought was "It's AI. People will complain. It will be nerfed".

As they say, those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

From day 1 of it's reveal, my immediate thought was "It's AI. People will complain. It will be nerfed".

Yeah, but the issue is, like how it was the case in the past, A-Net pandering to complaints from a few players which have A: no interest in what the subject in question is aiming for and B: don't even understand how the whole thing works / how effective it is.

This leads to A-Net making changes which are oftentimes rather questionable or in some cases even have the opposite effect of what they were going for. They said they wanted to "better reward players who are able to position well" which, aside from the fact that constantly staying right next to your mech for the sheer sake of doing so has nothing to do with "positioning well", is going to be more seen as punishing players that don't constantly bent to this arbitrary requirement.

Most people are already content with where the LI build is after the latest nerf and at this point are more annoyed by the visuals than anything else so they should just make the planned rifle changes (maybe also remove the stability from Crisis Zone if they think that support mech is still overperforming compared to where they want the other supports they said they want to buff to be) and finally move on or, if they really feel like that the LI builds are still "slightly overperforming" take a bit of damage from the rifle AA and put it into some of the other weapon skills as this is where both the main part of the "passive damage"  and the active part of the gameplay actually is.

Edited by Tails.9372
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    So I just assigned return to me on my MMO mouse for easy use, but yeah, I still think they need to rework something to have the leash shorter because the mech stops shooting at the target once recalled. I did fix it somewhat with assigning the shoot my target to another side key for ease of use as well, but they have to fix something to make it less clunky. And no, to those who say just learn to do better. This is not one of those issues. Something being clunky to use does not make it a "skillful" learning thing. People often think something is hard to master and feel proud about it when in fact the problem is more or less the item in question was designed as clunky and unfun. Challenge=/ clunky design. 


Edited by Doctor Hide.6345
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2 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

    So I just assigned return to me on my MMO mouse for easy use, but yeah, I still think they need to rework something to have the leash shorter because the mech stops shooting at the target once recalled. I did fix it somewhat with assigning the shoot my target to another side key for ease of use as well, but they have to fix something to make it less clunky. And no, to those who say just learn to do better. This is not one of those issues. Something being clunky to use does not make it a "skillful" learning thing. People often think something is hard to master and feel proud about it when in fact the problem is more or less the item in question was designed as clunky and unfun. Challenge=/ clunky design. 


I personally just assigned the passive/aggressive flip over to my gaming mouse. It just requires one button and basically does the same thing. I press it once, the pet goes passive and immediately returns to me. Once it arrives, I press it again to make the mech attack again.

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22 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

This leads to A-Net making changes which are oftentimes rather questionable or in some cases even have the opposite effect of what they were going for. They said they wanted to "better reward players who are able to position well" which, aside from the fact that constantly staying right next to your mech for the sheer sake of doing so has nothing to do with "positioning well", is going to be more seen as punishing players that don't constantly bent to this arbitrary requirement.

Most people are already content with where the LI build is after the latest nerf and at this point are more annoyed by the visuals than anything else so they should just make the planned rifle changes (maybe also remove the stability from Crisis Zone if they think that support mech is still overperforming compared to where they want the other supports they said they want to buff to be) and finally move on or, if they really feel like that the LI builds are still "slightly overperforming" take a bit of damage from the rifle AA and put it into some of the other weapon skills as this is where both the main part of the "passive damage"  and the active part of the gameplay actually is.


At what point do we think LI are not overperforming and not underperforming ? Because let's be real for a moment, if they even lower damage than support build, then people will never accept them in group. Why would I pick a Pmech that would deal 28k when I can play Alac Mech or Quickness Scrapper that deals around the same number but also provide boons ? What players and Anet conveniently ignore is that if a spec is overperforming, it will see uses. If it is good, it will see uses. But if it doesnt provide more DPS as a DPS than a support then it's pretty much dead on arrival. And if Anet expect people to keep playing PMech after they keep nerfing it, then they are dead wrong. Yes there will still be people playing it, just like there are people playing Elementalist or Warrior in PvE despite all the people claiming it's a dead class, but unlike Elementalist or Warrior, they'll be kick from the group because they dont bring anything more than what a support can. 


Despite what every Engi haters that always complain about mech says, Pmech right now is fine. The DPS is just above support but it gets outDPS by pretty much any spec that requires more than 2 button press. If Anet wants more LI build to be viable they should make them more or less identical to the current performance of Pmech.


Also funny enough, support Mech is what all support should be aiming for. You use skill for their effect and not for their side effect because it is used with X or Y trait.  But instead people look at Mechanist and goes "if Mech doesnt need to spam X on CD to provide the buff like Specter has to do with its well, then it deserve to be nerfed". In reality they should be asking for Specter to be like Mechanist.  But oh well, cant exactly have a proper discussion with blinded with their biases. 

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8 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Also funny enough, support Mech is what all support should be aiming for. You use skill for their effect and not for their side effect because it is used with X or Y trait.  But instead people look at Mechanist and goes "if Mech doesnt need to spam X on CD to provide the buff like Specter has to do with its well, then it deserve to be nerfed". In reality they should be asking for Specter to be like Mechanist.  But oh well, cant exactly have a proper discussion with blinded with their biases. 

Really want to highlight this last part. 

I would love it if Scrapper wasn't burning function gyro, purge gyro, or bulwark gyro for quickness. 

If Herald wasn't spamming their stunbreak off CD for quickness

If tempest wasn't forced to overload on CD and then immediately attunement swap for alac. (while praying their 4 second channel doesn't get interrupted)


I don't think this is good design. I lost faith in the dev team when they looked at HAM and said "This is overperforming so we're looking at nerfing it in the future instead of bringing things up to its overperforming level".

Bringing other supports up is exactly what they should do. Mech (and FB) overperform because the other supports are forced to waste their utility to apply boons. Or in Tempest's case, their boon generation restricts how you play the class and takes away the player's choice of whether to camp and attunement or swap out of it... A decision which adds situational depth to the spec. 

Both the players and the devs have the wrong mindset on this. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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