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Looking for The Mesmer Collective.


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So with LWS1 coming back and the chance to experience it after missing it the first time around, I've been pouring through the lore and details. The most fascinating one, as a mesmer main, was the letter for Kasmeer from The Mesmer Collective. So naturally, I had to see if there was a guild with that name. According to the registar, it does.

BUT, that means I need to find it. I have no clues as to its whereabouts other than it exists. I have no idea who is on the roster. I have no idea if they can be found since the lore of the Mesmer Collective is that it's a secret society, and I'm not sure if it's even active in the first place. It's a phantasmal needle in a giant illusory haystack, and that's why I'm here.

I'm looking for the Mesmer Collective. Has anyone seen them? Has anyone even heard of them? Know someone who knows someone that heard any rumors? I'll take anything I can get.


In reality, I'm looking for a Mesmer-centric or Mesmer-Exclusive guild, but the chance go join something this prestigious is too hard to pass up.

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