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Hello all! Pleased to meet you. The GOATs are coming back to town to enjoy a bevy of kills, slaughtering of not so innocents and to look really darn good while we do it. I'll detail what we are looking at here in a moment. The short version is I want people who enjoy eviscerating opponents, experimenting with guilds and have a highly competitive mindset. Our crew are dirty, well trained, veteran PVPers who are out on the borderlands nightly. Our main time frame to play in is NA Prime. Believe me knowing our sleep schedules it will be all over the place just know in the nighttime is when we shine. Because we are vampires obviously. We are new to the SF or Sorrow's Furnace server. Cheaper to move to and allows us to grow. 

What you bring to the table: 

  1. Enthusiastic about PVP and realize PPT can be performed by monkeys
  2. Not afraid to die. I'll just bring you back to life with song. 
  3. You want a comp, will experiment with builds. 
  4. Be able to take criticism, harsh language and realize we kill our friends faster than our foes
  5. Be willing to have a 30 day trial run with us to see if you are a good fit

What the heck we offer: 

  1. Nighttime runs to the enemy group, wooing them with pleasure and stabbing them liberally 
  2. Brand new guild. You get to influence the outlook. 
  3. Veteran players who love to zerg bust, roam and go for kills first always
  4. People who understand its a game not a job
  5. We will prove that folks can be exquisite at PVP while being complete and utter goofballs. With style. 


In game I can be reached at: Fatherbliss.4701 

Discord for you: 



Edited by Fatherbliss.4701
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