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North America returning player LFG


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Hi everyone,

I recently dusted off my old GW2 Discs and reinstalled them. I have a few Lv 80 from circa 2012 and a few other characters I have been working on since I got the game going again. I would love to find a fairly relaxed group of people who play mainly in the evenings EST. I like doing a bit of WVW and Raids, really looking for a solid group of people to help bring me up to speed with GW2 related gameplay.

I do have 2-3 other friends who have started to play the game, undetermined on if they will stick or not. But I would like to find some people to play with when they are not around as well.


I am on Sea of Sorrows server if that matters at all.



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Hi @Draihken.2840 and welcome back to GW2! Check out Remnants of Hope to see if we are what you are looking for!

We have players around the world, but our daily guild-run events tend to revolve around Eastern time. We play all the guild modes, including raids specifically to bring new players up to speed.  We are very active in WvW, but you need to be on either Tarnished Coast or our linked server (currently Yak's Bend, but may change next Friday) to play with us.

We really are a community, so joining RoH involves a trial period where we both find out if there is a good fit.  You might want to take a look at our forum thread where new members talk about their experiences with the  guild.

Finally, we have quite a few friend groups who "chain-join" RoH.  One person joins, reports back to their friends, and then their friends join.  We are perfectly cool with that process and understand that you are checking out the guild as much as the other way around.

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Heya, Draihken! Server matters if you're looking to join a WvW guild or plan on playing WvW with friends. Unfortunately, in our guild, we do not have many people (if at all) that are on SOS. They're mostly on Sorrow's Furnace.

If that's okay with you and want to look for more of a PvE guild, you are welcome to check out our guild called Clair De Lune [Luna]. We are night owl PvE guild that does progressive, training, and experienced content in end-game and otherwise (Raids, Strikes, Fractals, Dungeons, Metas, etc).

Along with that, we are also a social guild, so we do host social events like Guild Hall Arcade, Fishing, Drunk Nights, etc. We love when folks get involved in conversation and our sometimes chaotic shenanigans. We are also a mature, adult guild so there is frequent cussing and adult humor occasionally said, so keep that in mind as well in case you're not comfortable with that type of community.

If you think you might be interested, you give our forum post a look HERE to see more about our events, event times, the type of community we are, and who to contact if interested. Let me know in our forum post or an in-game DM if you have any questions/concerns for me!

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