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Anet switched to higher ping Amazon servers since 2 weeks ago

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I encourage you all to file support tickets so that the data is forwarded onto the server dev team. If there are enough complaints there maybe a better chance of getting something changed. The performance of my game playing from ocx has worsened with every patch lately and it worries me that as each LS update comes out that very soon game will be unplayable.

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I'm convinced that the only thing that speaks to them is people leaving the game. Between lag/DC issues, frame rate issues and crashing issues there are some serious problems with this game and there are A LOT of people complaining on the board. For every person who actually posts something, there are probably thousands more that silently stew and just get pissed off. IMO they're making a huge mistake ignoring some of these issues.

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For SEA/Oceanic player, transfering to EU helps with the ping at least before the latest update, it was stable mostly around 180-199ms, since yesterday night though it's a different story, it spiked to 3000ms every now and then, and 400ms is the lowest I can get. I'm only able to get my daily login chest, this is really unplayable, I mean crashing issue, low fps and high ping? Anet must be losing a lot more players these days.

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@"Shazmataz.1423" said:I encourage you all to file support tickets so that the data is forwarded onto the server dev team. If there are enough complaints there maybe a better chance of getting something changed. The performance of my game playing from ocx has worsened with every patch lately and it worries me that as each LS update comes out that very soon game will be unplayable.

I tried with a ticket some weeks ago but after the standard checks (plug-unplug, winMTR and such) the agent asked and after I linked a discussion on reddit about amazon servers I gave up when the agent asked me to "play" with msconfig (pointless imho). How to make a similar ticket count without all these tries? :|

I have got about 30-40 ms more than before (still a good ping but the new latency is a bit annoying...).

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@Healix.5819 said:

@"Trinsic.5149" said:I have got about 30-40 ms more than before (still a good ping but the new latency is a bit annoying...).

Compared to before PoF? That's normal. The servers were moved from Texas to Virginia (central to east coast US), which adds roughly 25-50ms to the ping in-game, for anyone that was routing through western US.

Yes, since Halloween, btw I'm in EU, on reddit a Dev said they moved some EU "blocks" too https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7doj1l/anet_can_we_please_get_an_actual_way_of_checking/dq0g4nh/but where?

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@Trinsic.5149 said:but where?

Both the NCSoft (now shutdown) and Amazon EU datacenters are in Frankfurt, Germany. Ideally, the ping should only be around 15ms higher, but in actuality, you're likely to be routed over different, higher latency networks. If you really wanted to, you could try experimenting with VPNs to change how you're routed, but I'd only bother if you were >50ms or encountering spikes.

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@Trinsic.5149 said:

@"Shazmataz.1423" said:I encourage you all to file support tickets so that the data is forwarded onto the server dev team. If there are enough complaints there maybe a better chance of getting something changed. The performance of my game playing from ocx has worsened with every patch lately and it worries me that as each LS update comes out that very soon game will be unplayable.

I tried with a ticket some weeks ago but after the standard checks (plug-unplug, winMTR and such) the agent asked and after I linked a discussion on reddit about amazon servers I gave up when the agent asked me to "play" with msconfig (pointless imho). How to make a similar ticket count without all these tries? :|

I have got about 30-40 ms more than before (still a good ping but the new latency is a bit annoying...).

Very true, I did persist until the ticket was escalated to a Lead GM who said he was collating data and forwarding to the "server devs"....they do have to rule out connectivity issues at our end before they can see that the issue is within the Amazon system.

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Networking for low latency into Amazon's cloud can be a bit of a dark art*. That said, I am curious what, if any, back-end requirement lead them to consolidate in one region. One of the big marketing points for AWS (the Amazon cloud) is global presence. They could have spun up servers in N. Virginia, Oregon, and even Sydney or Singapore theoretically. Hopefully they work out whatever it is that keeps them locked to a region, and then they can toss at least a server or two into the far corners for people not on the Eastern seaboard.

*(I say this in a semi-professional capacity, since I work on AWS setups for my day job and hold the AWS networking certification, so my statements aren't purely ex-recto.)

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@"Erulogos.2591" said:That said, I am curious what, if any, back-end requirement lead them to consolidate in one region.

Initially, both NCSoft and Amazon was being used simultaneously. They're already capable of using Amazon's other locations, but they currently have no way of prioritizing which one you'd be sent to, which is why they didn't do it. (reddit)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm in EU and play in EU and right now i would kill for a 300ms stable ping. Seriously. Ever since PoF came out i have constant spikes in WvW, not fun when you roam solo, everything is smooth and suddenly i get 1 sec lag spike.

This happens in full and empty maps.

I never ever had any issues like this in WvW, for 5 years, not even at the start when culling and skill lag due to SM blobfights were a serious problem for most ppl.

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Welcome to Australia speed :P

@Little Howl.5231 said:

@andy.8035 said:so dns 8844 does work i put it in rebootoed gw2 started no problems really esy to do 2 sec all it takes

Changing your DNS does nothing to alleviate the issues raised by the OP. It's a complete fallacy.Of course does nothing for ping, but I find I have much more reliable load times when using

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Ok, so West Australian here. Normally it's 280-300ms ping which is rough to deal with at best. Interestingly I think the switch to Amazon EC2 servers just went through today. Consequently my ping now sits at a steady 370-380ms which does make some content particularly obnoxious, such as trying to break a resurrect to dodge.

I don't expect low ping; distance is an issue, obviously. However I do expect decent server architecture and right now the Amazon servers are performing ~20% worse.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have been having this issue for two years now. I am routed to some really bad Amazon IPs and always experience horrific loading times of maps and textures ever since. Trace-routing the IPs, I noticed not only plenty of 100%-packet losses but also that the target IP could not be reached within 30 hops (every other game's server requires only approximately 10 hops to successfully reach the target IP).

It's awful. I contacted support weeks ago, they finally responded. Will keep you posted.

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After a 2 years away from gw2 I came back to this disappointing mess. I even bought PoF and was excited to begin the new content. I was wondering why I was getting higher ping and at first I thought the problem was on my end but, nope. It's horrible coming back to a game that I enjoyed and instead come back to a game where I am getting anywhere from 100 - 150 more ping than before; even in regular maps with not many people in them. And participating in world bosses or other big content only presented me with skills and actions either not executing at all or taking forever to execute. I already got my refund on PoF and I won't play the game again or give them any of my money till they move the servers back or come up with another solution. I'm not going to support a decision that screws me over and give them my money as well.

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