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Greatsword 3 is bugged.


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It isn't bugged but the tooltip is misleading. The skill is something like a 450 dash with a 450 leap to target, IF you have one and IF the target is within that range. Like a few other things on Vindi its just a bit clunky.


Basically, you will get 900 distance if you use the skill with a target selected that is within 900 range. If they are at 1000 range you will only get the 450 first part of the skill; same if you have no target at all.

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7 minutes ago, Elessaria.9142 said:

It isn't bugged but the tooltip is misleading. The skill is something like a 450 dash with a 450 leap to target, IF you have one and IF the target is within that range. Like a few other things on Vindi its just a bit clunky.


Basically, you will get 900 distance if you use the skill with a target selected that is within 900 range. If they are at 1000 range you will only get the 450 first part of the skill; same if you have no target at all.

The wiki says: "Despite listing 900 range the distance traveled with this skill is only 450 without a target and 600 with a target when the character leaps to attack after traveling."

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7 minutes ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

The wiki says: "Despite listing 900 range the distance traveled with this skill is only 450 without a target and 600 with a target when the character leaps to attack after traveling."

Interesting; I honestly haven't measured but it feels like more than that when it works. Either way I think the tooltip needs an update.

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the huge problem is it only reaches 900 when you are against an static oponent, if you use the first half of the skill and the enemy suddenly moves away from that 900 range you find yourself looking like an (you know what) the skill isnt bad but forcing it to be half and half is pretty annoying, and while it has dmg the dmg only hits if you get the 2 half, same as the chill, a medium dmg attack with chill and dash but it almost allwais works only a cuarter of the skill

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The tooltip is misleading since when you don't have a target Phantom's Onslaught just performs a 450 unit dash, whereas then is a target on range it delivers a 900 range dash with an AoE hit. By reference, each one of the tiles in the floor is 100 x 100 units (and a unit in this game is an inch, aka ~2,54 mm :



   I think that is neither a bug nor a typo but a retaliation for when ANet arbitrarily halved the Phase Traversal to 600 gainst foes outside 1200 range and the outrage for the injustice was so loud (not other class was forced under the bus with similar skills, as Guard's JI)  that they had to backpedal it in less than a week. Lately they also seems very focused into turning most of their specs into mele stacking piñatas (Forced Engagement halved from 1200 to 600, Spear of Archemorous from 2000 to 1200, Deadeye's rifle skills from 1500 to 1200... even Elementalist which essentially is their take on a classic mage is mostly a mele fighter nowadays...).

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