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Suggestions for high survivability, simple core build for solo player.

Scarlett Dreamer.9157

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I generally play solo as everyone else in my family loves their consoles.  I am a casual player and do not want to spend all my play time mastering a "rotation" and want to be able to jump into the game and knockout content with manageable struggle as a solo player.  I've rolled a few characters (Mesmer, Elementalist, Ranger) to find one that fits.  I seem to be struggling to manage all the skills/cooldowns or maybe I am just looking at gear wrong.  My theory was a DPS profession would take down things quickly enough to survive and that the traditional "tank" professions would have me spending hours to move through content.


Is there a different profession besides those three that would make casual solo play simpler?  Or a build for the toons I have or a different profession that would better fit my needs?  I ask for core simply because I figure it will take me some time to get to any elite specializations and I've been having a hard time finding core builds that are not years old and may or may not be viable anymore, I don't know.


I'm not really looking to make the game easy, just a profession/build I don't need to read notes to play again if I step away from the game for a week or two due to life.  I also figure the simpler the build/play style the better I will be as a casual player and therefore will be able to join pugs with less embarrassment.


Thoughts, suggestions, and advice is greatly appreciated!  Thank you in advance! 

Edited by Scarlett Dreamer.9157
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This are by no means the ones which work but the ones which work and I'm familiar with so I would use if I had to rise a charcter from 1 to 80 level by level:

  Condi Guardian:




 Condi Revenant:


   Both also can work well with celestial stats. Now, if you have access to EoD expansion, and since you can unlock the specs in any order I would go for Rifle mech ASAP:


   Has huge ranged damage, a very strong pet(s)  (you can replace Golemancer runes for Ogre or Battle and works also fine), lots of cc, good mobility and utilities, plenty of sustain and if you face foes which reflect projectiles you just activate the flamethrower kit: the auto attcak is a channeled attack which can't be reflected and also gives you perma stability. That build is easier to play than the two before, kills faster and Mech can fit any meta just swapping traits and sometimes weapons or gear (celestial also works very well):


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Recommending Mechanist to someone who cannot handle CD is like recommending a manual gear shift car to someone who only has 1 functioning leg. 


After tomorrow's nerf, if you dont want your mech to be doing basically nothing, you'll have to manage its positioning AND your positioning, which is arguably harder than managing CD.


To answer OP, you can go for condi Scourge or condi Mirage. Both are pretty braindead to play : the former doesnt exactly need to dodge because it generate so much barrier while the other spend its time dodging that you basically never get hit. 

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My recommendation is to play a specialization even though you stated you don't want to yet due to complexity. Core is essentially a diluted version of the class, with no real focus or purpose. Which in practice will make it even harder to play since you don't have anything to focus on.

This can be non other exemplified with Mesmer, Core has almost no synergy with itself. A Build with it would require such mind boggling theory crafting and gear that its not worth it. Throw in Virtuoso and now you have a focus, Bleed = Healing.
With that alone all your gear/traits can focus on getting the most healing out of your bleed damage and blade generation.

Edited by Mell.4873
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Based on everyone's input it sounds like it's worth it to punch through as much of the story as I can to get to elite specs.  I was unsure of shooting for an elite spec simply due to the time to get there.  It seemed like such a long ways away, but seeing as I've had no work this long weekend and the Black Friday Boost, it doesn't appear to be as out of reach as I thought.  I was able to get the Mesmer up to 58 and the Ranger to 39 when both were below lvl 10 before this weekend (helps there are players everywhere right now for events). 


I've been holding onto tradition and running a bow on the ranger.  I'll change up the weapons and check it out.  As for the Mesmer, it's been a staff and a great sword so far.  Is that solid or should I be looking outside the box for weapons on that one as well?


Being relatively new to the game the ins and outs of professions, weapons, and stats have me jumping in every direction with no real focus so I am very appreciate of everyone's thoughts and comments here to get me going in good direction.

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4 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Recommending Mechanist to someone who cannot handle CD is like recommending a manual gear shift car to someone who only has 1 functioning leg. 

To answer OP, you can go for condi Scourge or condi Mirage. Both are pretty braindead to play : the former doesnt exactly need to dodge because it generate so much barrier while the other spend its time dodging that you basically never get hit. 

1) Scarlett Dreamer asked for core builds, and I provided 3 under the requirements of being easy to play and effective. As a bonus, I had to call also the Rifle Mechanist build  because the insane value: is easily the easiest spec to play in the game and performs amongst the best.

2) Before the patch of tomorrow the Rifle Mechanist build I listed easily delivers above 20K dps at range just auto attacking; after the patch of tomorrow probably will still deliver near 20K dps auto attacking at range, and will keep delivering well over 20K dps at close range. That puts to shame any other alternative in terms of dps x keystrokes. Yes, core Engineer is mechanically complex, and Holosmith even harder, but Scrapper is ez pz and rifle Mechanist is autopilot mode...

3) Anyone thinking that the  November 29th patch will remove Mechanist or Firebrand from being the two top choices in the PvE meta is being delusional: dps nerfs are irrelevant when what most of people do is just chosing the lower effort path which still has the work done (which is the Mechanist) or the most versatile support build (which is and will remain as the Firebrand).

   So that's my advice for Scarlett: take a core condi Guardian or Revenant, rise it to 80, unlock FB or Herald/Renegade and if you want even larger performance at lower effort rise a Mechanist: with barely any work it soloes bounties in exotic gear as players as Teapot recently showcased.


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7 hours ago, Scarlett Dreamer.9157 said:

Based on everyone's input it sounds like it's worth it to punch through as much of the story as I can to get to elite specs.  I was unsure of shooting for an elite spec simply due to the time to get there.  It seemed like such a long ways away, but seeing as I've had no work this long weekend and the Black Friday Boost, it doesn't appear to be as out of reach as I thought.  I was able to get the Mesmer up to 58 and the Ranger to 39 when both were below lvl 10 before this weekend (helps there are players everywhere right now for events). 


I've been holding onto tradition and running a bow on the ranger.  I'll change up the weapons and check it out.  As for the Mesmer, it's been a staff and a great sword so far.  Is that solid or should I be looking outside the box for weapons on that one as well?


Being relatively new to the game the ins and outs of professions, weapons, and stats have me jumping in every direction with no real focus so I am very appreciate of everyone's thoughts and comments here to get me going in good direction.

This game does a good job with being a very much a pick your own playstyle with each Classes traitline being focused on a particular mechanic but this doesn't really come together until you get and Elite Specialization. For the most part each specialization is the extension of one or two of the core trainlines. For Example Ranger's Nature Magic being a precursor to Druid traitline.


So yeah you are stuck with Core if you are not level 80. Your best bet to reach max level is use one level 80 to max the others, that or do a tone of PvP or WvW for Tomes of Knowledge.

If you PvP or WvW a lot you can spend the relevant currency to also unlock hero points, maxing one Elite Specialization right away like Mechanist.



Edited by Mell.4873
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15 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

3) Anyone thinking that the  November 29th patch will remove Mechanist or Firebrand from being the two top choices in the PvE meta is being delusional: dps nerfs are irrelevant when what most of people do is just chosing the lower effort path which still has the work done (which is the Mechanist) or the most versatile support build (which is and will remain as the Firebrand).

And anyone who still think Mechanist needed the nerf or DPS nerf are irrelevant are  also delusional.  No where did I say Mechanist is going to be removed. But what I did say is managing mech and player positioning to maintain your damage IS HARDER than managing your own CD. Why ? Because CD is just a number that is affected by chill and alacrity. Mech positioning is determined by terrain, pathfinding, enemy positioning and in the case of gun arms mech, its max range. And everyone knows how non responsive and lacking GW2 pet AI is. 


So yes people who are used to play Engineer and to an extent Ranger will easily get used to that, but the vast majority of people who only play Mechanist because everyone in the forum says you press 1 and delete the entire game will get punished for poor mech management and their damage will drop.


For OW like what OP is asking yes it is irrelevant. I can play clerical and solo bosses if I'm not restricted by time. But for any sort of group content, if the poor mech management lower the already low damage Pmech is doing, then it will just never be accepted in any PvE group content. Why would I accept a Pmech that is doing less or the same amount of damage as a support but doesnt bring anything to the table ? Why would I accept a Pmech in my group when I could accept idk a QuickDPS Scrapper that does the same amount of damage and bring quickness to the team ? Because funny enough, you would think PUG would accept anyone but in reality the entry barrier with PUG is more strict than guild runs. 


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Since you're still in the leveling phase, i wouldn't bother to much with a specific build. 

All professions act somewhat the same all the way up to lvl 80. Armor stats are usually very low, not all specializations are unlocked, no synergizing runes/sigils. 

Every profession has valid open world and instanced PvE dps build. Just try to find 1-3 characters you find enjoyable to play and level them up. Once they're lvl 80 you should be able to get semi decent gear with relative ease and make a proper dps build. 


Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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Pretty much any of the professions work, it just depends on your playstyle.  My main 2 avatars are my necro/minion master, and my ranger.  The necro throws out his minions and supports with his staff.  My ranger throws out his pets and stands back with his longbow.

Both are very good for open world exploration. Good survivability, decent damage.  The ranger has better AOEs than the necro, but with all the minions I do not need AOE so much. The pets & minions keep the aggro so I rarely die. I can barely remember the last time a minion died, the pets are not quite as sturdy - but probably because there is only one at a time.

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    Core specs are weak nowadays. Some can be very powerfull on what they do but lacking on other areas (like the condition core guard that someone suggested, it deals amazing damage but it lacks survivality).

    That being said i would suggest you core celestial ranger/druid, both play basically the same but with the adition of celestial form on druid for group support or extreme situations where u will be soloing hard content and need to pump up your sustain (both using the same gear besides druid is using Staff instead of axe+torch with different sigils).

    I'm telling you right now both of those builds are slow (some call it boring but im fine with it) but so powerfull, and the druid version almost unkileable XD. 

     Let's start with the core version.


     And the Druid


    Here some tips:

-Dodging will grant you improved condition duration and damage buff + 1200hp and protection so feel free to test different options like changing the food for something like Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew or geting some vigor sources on your build by changing utilities and traits. As an example you can replace traps for survival skills and replace 2 traits; trapper's expertise for sharpened edges/primal reflexes and poison master for wilderness knowledge (this will help you alot specially using the CORE build).

-Flanking will greatly improve your damage while using shortbow

-Your pets are so important. I love the configuration of iboga as my main pet and marsh drake as a secondary. Iboga is more offensive but squishier and marsh more tanky, both have good aoe damage.

-When playing with a group replace wilderness survival traitline for nature magic 3-2-1 and get some spirit skills to provide better boon support and alacrity to your teamates.


I hope this will help you and Anet wont mess those lovely builds


Edited by Ruisenior.6342
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2 minutes ago, Ruisenior.6342 said:

    Core specs are weak nowadays. Some can be very powerfull on what they do but lacking on other areas (like the condition core guard that someone suggested, it deals amazing damage but it lacks survivality).

    That being said i would suggest you core celestial ranger/druid, both play basically the same but with the adition of celestial form on druid for group support or extreme situations where u will be soloing hard content and need to pump up your sustain (both using the same gear besides druid is using Staff instead of axe+torch with different sigils).

    I'm telling you right now both of those builds are slow (some call it boring but im fine with it) but so powerfull, and the druid version almost unkileable XD. 

     Let's start with the core version.


     And the Druid


    Here some tips:

-Dodging will grant you improved condition duration and damage buff + 1200hp and protection so feel free to test different options like changing the food for something like Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew or geting some vigor sources on your build by changing utilities and traits. As an example you can replace traps for survival skills and replace 2 traits; trapper's expertise for sharpened edges/primal reflexes and poison master for wilderness knowledge (this will help you alot specially using the CORE build).

-Flanking will greatly improve your damage while using shortbow

-Your pets are so important. I love the configuration of iboga as my main pet and marsh drake as a secondary. Iboga is more offensive but squishier and marsh more tanky, both have good aoe damage.

-When playing with a group replace wilderness survival traitline for nature magic 3-2-1 and get some spirit skills to provide better boon support and alacrity to your teamates.


I hope this will help you and Anet wont mess those lovely builds


For PVE only. 

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12 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

For OW like what OP is asking yes it is irrelevant. I can play clerical and solo bosses if I'm not restricted by time. But for any sort of group content, if the poor mech management lower the already low damage Pmech is doing, then it will just never be accepted in any PvE group content. Why would I accept a Pmech that is doing less or the same amount of damage as a support but doesnt bring anything to the table ? Why would I accept a Pmech in my group when I could accept idk a QuickDPS Scrapper that does the same amount of damage and bring quickness to the team ? 

   Read Scarlett again:

"Is there a different profession besides those three that would make casual solo play simpler? "

   Any of the builds I linked fit the goal. And Mech is perfectly fine also due:

A) Even without management, the damage will be great. Much better than from any well played defensive support.

B) You don't have to worry about being accepted in groups since you can make your owns and get them filled without problems. At least in Fractals, which are the only instanced content which makes sense in terms of rewards. And anyway this is beyond the point since Scarlett asked about simple, efficient builds for solo content, not instanced groups.

C) It doesn't matter, anyway: I've never done Fractals beyond level 60, only completed 2 Raids, and never did a single Strike Missions. Yet, I have 3 full sets of legendary armors, Trascendence, Conflux, The Ascension and now I'm working in my 10th legendary weapon plus the other legendary trinkets...  All of them barely touching that overrated content called instanced content (outside Dungeons, which I farmed until the nerfs in rewards  made  them irrelevant). In GW2 you can chose the way you like to play (solo, in guilds, in pug games), the areas you want to play (OW PvE, Instanced PvE, casual PvP, conformed PvP teams, WvW roaming, WvW zerging... ) and ACHIEVE SUCCESS playing what you enjoy with 0 care about what others do o what they consider "the meta".

   My general advice for newcomers: this is a game, people used to play games for fun; so find out what you enjoy in the game, set your goals and achieve them through the activities that YOU enjoy, not playing what OTHERS chose for you in the game departments they chose that you had to do.

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