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[NA] Support scrapper looking for guild to run endgame content


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I've been playing PVP for about 6 years at around the low plat level and I'm just now stepping into PVE content.  I have done mythic raiding in WoW for years as a healer and I'm interested into transitioning into gw2 to do the same thing.  Obviously I will have to learn the encounters for the raids but overall I'm at a good place with understanding the class mechanics.  I'm just kind of new to things like how to acquire specific ascended gear and I'm not really sure what strike missions or fractals are and whether I have to attune for that stuff.   I did just finish getting most of my mount masteries done and getting all the hero points put into scrapper, plus I got a full set of exotic healing power gear from PvP and read online guides how to build for PVE specifically so now I'm just looking for a group of people to run with who can explain some encounters to me and then I should be good to go.  


I would also be interested in getting into some WvW as well.  If any guilds are out there are interested in a healer hit me up.  My in game character name is Steamsmith Bandoony.

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Hello! The Forbidden Legion is my guild and we are recruiting! You sound like a good fit. I have been playing on and off since launch but never dove too deep until the last year. My guild mates and I are also learning and teaching each other best ways to acquire ascended gear other end game achievements. We do have a discord and a beginner guild hall we are working on as well. If you are interested in joining please send me a mail in game and we will get you invited!

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