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(NA) Dragronbrand Guild - (TFL) The Forbidden Legion - Casual/ Small / Friendly (all content)


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I would be interested in seeing what your guild is all about.  I am a new player, have a level 80 due to boosted and am playing around with a few lower level toons to see which profession i want to main.  I enjoy all thing PVE in other MMOs so I am sure this will be the same.  Have no idea how strikes, fractals, and raids are done here but am eager to learn!  I would love to find a small friendly group to call home.  I it sounds like I may fit please send me an invite or let me know here!  



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Y'all seem to play later in the evening which me being mountain time makes it difficult to adhere to early EST scheduled guilds.  Even if it's just to bounce questions off folks who know better while I plow through the story line I'd like to have some regulars to yack at rather than rando's in global chat 🙂



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