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Legendary Bacon


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GW2 doesn't have legendary food.
GW2 also doesn't have bacon.
Legendary Bacon coming soon???
Here is how I think you would have to craft it:
Kill a thousand pigs to get an extra rare Rasher.
Mine a thousand nodes to get Rock Salt.
Harvest a thousand trees to get Hickory Wood.
Gathering a thousand herbs to get ... um .... curing spices??? (Couldn't think of anything, sorry.)
Cook it for a loooong time in the Bloodstone oven in your home instance.
Ta-dah -- Legendary Bacon!
QUESTION : What stats would it give? And for how long? 

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Legendary food might work like "herta" u gotta charge it with some mats daily once b4 using it multiple times ... or... It has a cooldown per character or... Legendary Food effect resets on one character if u use it on different character , legy food item always to be present in inventory and not legy armory.. u can place it in shared inventory slot.


Also legendary utility buff would also be an item on shared inv slot... Boost the sales of shared inv slot X)

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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