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How to complete Holiday Food Drive?


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3 hours ago, abc.4918 said:

I did see you could purchase the right foods from the trading post; I suppose for a one time acheivement it's not that bad.

But who do you give the food to? The only ho ho tron I've found just takes a copper, a silver, or a gold.


It is a event that spawn at the xmas tree close to the stair were Toymaker Tixx is

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Nevermind, I figured it out finally! You have to have one of the foods in your inventory already in order to even see the option to donate it. Sheesh this game has so many secret hidden things. >_<

Edit: Ah geez, it looks like it's a minimum of ~8 gold if I just buy off the trading post to do this acheive. I was going to level a cook anyway I guess, so.... I'll just go that route.

Thanks all for your attempts to help, even if it turned out to just be the game hiding options.

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Okay, looks like this is just not worth it, cooking yourself I mean. I now have a level >400 cook, got a new char to level 20, and only spent a couple gold and mats that were just sitting in my storage anyway -- probably recouped the cost selling all the products from leveling cooking anyway, so a wash.

But to actually make 150 of the cheapest of these foods, the Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream, means you need 15000 Snowflakes which are going for 1.5 silver on the top right now. So at the least, an opportunity cost of like 225 gold? And that doesn't include all the Candy Canes and other stuff you need too. Haha.

So I guess I'll spend the 8 gold on the tp to directly buy the Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream. Not too mad though, I have a cook now, and I'm hungry.

Edit: Yay, got my Mini Gift Box Gordon, and I happened to pass 4000 acheivement points, woo!

Edited by abc.4918
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It's generally a bad idea to buy festival items in the first few days of a festival. Prices will always spike as people rush to complete achievements ASAP at a time when supply is relatively low because many of these things have little/no availability outside of the festival.

The possible exception is new drops - those may be cheaper early on because there's not much demand as most people won't know about it or haven't decided they want it and those selling it may not realise how rare/valuable it is. But even then it's not guaranteed, I've seen it go the other way too where early sellers massively over-estimate the value of a new item.

It's best to wait until as close to the end of the festival as you can, or at least after the first weekend (because a lot of people mainly or only play on weekends). That also gives you more time to see how much you can get yourself and some festivals, including Wintersday, can be good ways to make gold which you can then use to buy the things you need.

Just don't try to leave it until the absolute last day, because then there may not be enough time and there's no way to allow for unexpected problems like your internet going down. Festivals normally end on Tuesdays so I normally aim to buy anything I need on the Sunday before then, or the last day I'll be at home.

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