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Slowly getting back into GW2 with a friend and looking for people to help us learn


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Hello! A friend and I have been looking into wanting to play with a guild, we have been playing at our own pace and sometimes we have to take breaks for life and other personal reasons. But we do keep coming back. I was wondering if there is a guild that would be okay with us being in and out, and willing to help a couple of noobies out. We have a few questions about the game and would love some people to help us. We are a little shy at first but we will warm up. We would like to learn how to do dungeons, pvp, wvw, and all that stuff, we are close to lv 80 and are just looking for some friends and some guidance. Thank you for taking your time to read this.

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Hey, you may want to check us out! We are a new guild with lovely people who are super helpful, and we are newbie friendly.
In fact, most of us started to play just recently, and we have a good mix of new players, we have players with extensive experience, and we also have few veterans who play since release and know game very well, happy to answer questions.
Currently, our new players are scaling T1 Fractals (80+lvl content), and try to do it on a daily basis in a guild group. You're welcome to join and explore with us. We often go to dungeons too.
We're chill and casual guild, not rushing for numbers as we care more about community quality.  If you feel our guild is something you're looking for - feel free to contact us in game 🙂


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Good evening, @Sighlints.5732. I hope you're doing well today! Approximately, what are the times you two are active? Our guild is called Clair De Lune [Luna] and we are a night owl guild, so I'm unsure if our times will work for yall! If you play at EST Evening, you're welcome to check out our forum page HERE for a bunch of information regarding our events, event times, the type of community we are, who to contact, etc.. Let me know if you wanna give us a shot either through DM or on our forum page.

To give a brief summary of our guild: we are a PvE Guild that does end-game content like fractals, raids, and strikes, as well as general PvE content like metas, dungeons, etc.. Along with that, we are also a social guild so we like to have fun together and hang in Discord voice and text chat very often, as well as host social events like fishing, drunk nights, social events. That kinda thing!

As for your comment regarding coming in and out of GW2 because of life, our guild does have an inactivity limit of 1 month. In our Discord, we have a channel called "Away" which can be used to let us know you're gonna be away for awhile which will prevent you from being kicked. Once you come back online and/or you let us know you're back, your Away rank will be removed.

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Hey there! 

A friend and I who have been doing pretty much exactly the same thing have just made a guild called Asurance Fraud, super casual and very small right now but I'm hoping we can expand soon (you two could help us with that haha) we're all about not getting carried through everything and just want to learn the game together and have some banter in gchat/disc. feel free to check out the forum post I just put up about it.


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Hey Signlints....here is a guild ad I run across various forums. We are very active and the PvE raids and Strikes we do are very beginner friendly as is some of the WvW nights, so we'd be happy to help ye guys out. I would look more at CBo as its more casual and would be better suited to ye maybe. But we can chat more if interested...here is the ad...

NA [CBo] Crimson Blackout & [PACK] Wolves Of War....yes, 2 guilds in one based on Sorrow's Furnace
Depending what you are looking for and what your commitment level wants to be, we have it here in [CBo] and [PACK]. 

[CBo] is an easy-going PvX guild that is working towards all game modes. We do WvW 2 nights a week on Fridays (reset) and Sundays 9pm EST, 8pm CST and 6pm PST. We are based on Sorrow's Furnace server. Tuesdays and Thursdays are now PvE nights where people play and learn Raids, Strikes and Fractals can also be done upon request.

[PACK] is our WvW focused group. We run in WvW 5 nights a week. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun. We start at 9pm EST, 8pm CST and 6pm PST. You are required to run a minimal of 2 nights out of the 5. We use Teamspeak for comms and this is mandatory. You dont have to talk, but you have to be able to hear the commander and her call outs. Guild builds will be required and repping [PACK] on WvW nights is also required. We have trainings and even 1 on 1 sessions for anyone requiring or requesting them. We are more than happy to help new guild members get their Warclaw mount also.

We are a very open, inclusive and respectful guild, where all are welcome.
We also run random nights like Necro night, Ranger night, just something to have a laugh and a bit of fun with.

Please join us on TeamSpeak @ ts40.gameservers.com:9115
Discord @ https://discord.gg/6e3zHBKZhk we use Discord as a website.
Please feel free to reach out to me in-game at Rantaine.4759 or on Discord at Dguvner#3035

P.S Transfers to SF are free if you haven't transferred before  🙂


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