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[EU][PvE] [META] is Looking For Raiders Of All Experience Levels!


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Hello friends! [META] (formerly [aR]) is looking for new members of all experience levels to join our escapades into raiding content (plus a few extras).

[META] started out as a raid training community in 2018 to get people with no raid experience to the point where they were more comfortable taking on those challenges.

Nowadays, as we're all getting older and life responsibilities take up more of our time, we have shifted our focus to the social aspects of the game.

What can you expect from us?

We attempt to run 1-2 raids (with a few bonus events sprinkled in) each week with no requirements to join. Commonly these are at 19:00 GMT.

We have a system of allowing and encouraging members to request training/events for most aspects Guild Wars 2 offers. The training takes place in the following forms:

  • We have someone experienced to herd the cats (the rest of us) through the learning process and hopefully carry us, helping us understand where we need to improve;
  • Or progression mode, where we are stumbling around, hoping to make it to the end.

We recently finished a Minister Li CM progression and have a Dhuum CM progression on the go.

Finally, you can expect a small, tight-knit community of 70+ people, so you will not get lost in trying to keep up with hundreds of people and conversations. You will get to know us when you join events and hopefully make new friends.

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, let me know - we work primarily out of Discord, so joining the in-game guild is not necessary; being on the server will be enough to join all our adventures :)

Edited by Hollowbot.9872
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