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LFG - NA - 3-4 people looking for Raid & CM Prog/training ±2.5 hours around reset (longer on weekends)


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Myself and 2-3 other friends are looking to get into organized endgame. We are experienced in all strikes up to CM KO and HT. We are experienced in fractal CMs, except the DWD achievement itself. We have not broken into raids yet. Essentially, we have hit the "pug wall" and are ready to settle down somewhere that plays at similar times (see title). Our playtime extends much earlier in the day on weekends.

We could probably attend most scheduled days, but not all, which is why we're seeking a larger community instead of a static.

We all have the means and openness to flex into any role with characters in exotic gear, but this is what we've been maining and have 150+ AR in:

1) Bladesworn DPS, Spellbreaker QDPS

2) Healbrand, Healtempest

3) Scrapper QDPS, Mechanist QDPS, Reaper DPS

4 (maybe)) Mechanist DPS

We are generally serious players and do the best we can, however we are not interested in overly strict environments that get too negative over reasonable or one-time mistakes. We like going fast for extra fun, not because everything sucks if we aren't going fast. Similarly, we would hate to drag down the group by not having all the requirements for an encounter or not researching anything prior , but we do not consider, for example, having the Infinite Mist Omnipotion a requirement for being a part of the fractal CM (training!) team, as some guilds apparently do. (??)

I promise you we are way better company than the tone of this post suggests! I just wanted to be succinct! Anyway, PM or mail me, or reply here. Thanks a lot!

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