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This is why GW2 loses players


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12 minutes ago, Zeivu.3615 said:


Are you certain that nobody with uncompleted content wants to micromanage their lives so they can catch an event that they only need to do once so late in the end game?


But seriously, the reason nobody stays is because once they get ascendeds/legendaries, there simply isn't any reason to play.

First of all, it's silly to say that nobody stays, because plenty of people stay.   Plenty of people also leave MMOs that have gear grind. I've stayed for 10 years, and I have mostly legendary stuff. The fact that you believe that gear grind and getting higher and higher numbers many of us find meaningless says more about you than it does about the game.

As for micromanaging their lives, I've seen far FAR more people micromanage their lives to raid in other games than the number of people that micromanage their lives to do a single event in this game.  It's extremely misleading and factually wrong the way you've worded your post, though it's admirable how you've made the language do your bidding here.

You don't micromanage your entire lives to do a single event, any more than you have a micromanage your life to catch a movie. You just find time at your convenience.  I don't believe most people have lives where they can't do Battle for Lion's Arch, considering how many times I've completed it.  I raid in this game, and I've done far more life micromanagement for that than I have for trying to catch any meta.


On top of that, as others have said in this thread you don't actually need to complete that event to progress your story, you can, if you have to, solo the mobs, take back lions arch and leave, and your story will continue.  The fact that you ignore that in your post after it's been pointed out in the thread feels disingenuous.


And of course, the use of the word nobody stays, when in fact plenty of people do stay, and moreover, many return.  I'll be the first to admit this game isn't for everyone.  That some people don't like it.  Of course, more people have left WOW than currently play it too.  ESO has taken a big hit in recent times. SWTOR. Which MMO do people play that you believe doesn't peroidically shed people.

This specific complaint about having to do this one single event, that doesn't need to be complete, that can be soloed at any time, that is easy enough to catch anyway is not the reason most people leave, because there's no reason to leave over it.  That's my take on it.   If you think many people are leaving over this event, I suggest you do a forum search. I'm not seeing a lot of posts complaining about it.  I'd wager far more people left over Hearts and Minds than the Battle for Lion's Arch.

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12 hours ago, Zeivu.3615 said:


Are you certain that nobody with uncompleted content wants to micromanage their lives so they can catch an event that they only need to do once so late in the end game?


But seriously, the reason nobody stays is because once they get ascendeds/legendaries, there simply isn't any reason to play.

Why is it that people tend to say "nobody" or "we" or "the player base" etc. when in fact they're just referring to themselves?

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