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18 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

yeah if you play one of the many broken specs.

Not really I play one of the most obscure builds for Ranked PvP and I normally rank in the top 250 players. 

Its really just about being good at what you do. A flexible build is the best one with lots of survivability and damage. 

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9 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Not really I play one of the most obscure builds for Ranked PvP and I normally rank in the top 250 players. 

Its really just about being good at what you do. A flexible build is the best one with lots of survivability and damage. 

Nah, he pulled your card.

It was straight facts.

I don't even know what you play.

Im a chump, and you know what I play.

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5 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Ele is unbalance, engi nades need a shave...and I think we are there.

I don't think I ever see Engineer run grenades in gold 3. It honestly it is way to slow and offers nothing but damage, no cc just conditions. 

Elementalist does great but is often very low damage, otherwise they painfully slow to kill. If they do run DPS gear they die very quickly. 

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5 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Nah, he pulled your card.

It was straight facts.

I don't even know what you play.

Im a chump, and you know what I play.

I could link it but it would do nothing to prove my point. You are better of checking my rank once I get placed. (US only) 

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It's as balanced (or unbalanced) as the teams can get - sometimes better team composition. Sometimes worse. Duo queued people or when not enough people are there queuing up (queue times seem to have gotten a bit longer over the past weeks I noticed) then it will get more imbalanced regarding the team setup. More likely to have 2 strong professsions (or some that work well together) on one side while the other side does not have them.

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It may feel very unbalanced for new players as GW2 balance resolves around player skill and knowledge. For bellow average player (and I dare to say all new players will be bellow average as they lack experience and understanding of mechanics) majority of other builds or classes piloted by more experienced players may feel totaly overpowered, but in reality they are just getting outplayed.

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5 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:

It may feel very unbalanced for new players as GW2 balance resolves around player skill and knowledge. For bellow average player (and I dare to say all new players will be bellow average as they lack experience and understanding of mechanics) majority of other builds or classes piloted by more experienced players may feel totaly overpowered, but in reality they are just getting outplayed.

This is a very positive outlook on the topic. Thing is, some classes excel at many different roles and some are mostly niche and require more skill to pull off. This is imbalance considering Anet stated they want each class to be good at everything and have an easy build 😂

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1 hour ago, Mik.3401 said:

This is a very positive outlook on the topic. Thing is, some classes excel at many different roles and some are mostly niche and require more skill to pull off. This is imbalance considering Anet stated they want each class to be good at everything and have an easy build 😂

Being hard or easy is quite relative. For example around World Series, Lord Plebseth decided to practice some Necromancer. In the end he was back to Mesmer pretty fast as due to his own personal experience Mesmer was easier to him as he knew how to abuse stealth, not-buggy teleports, distortion and rest of his main class kit.

That being said, even if someone would be new to the game, he still has often some experiences with similar skills from other games. Meaning some sets of skills (professions) may be easier and more appealing than others, even if majority of playerbase would see them differently.

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1 hour ago, Morwath.9817 said:

Being hard or easy is quite relative. For example around World Series, Lord Plebseth decided to practice some Necromancer. In the end he was back to Mesmer pretty fast as due to his own personal experience Mesmer was easier to him as he knew how to abuse stealth, not-buggy teleports, distortion and rest of his main class kit.

That being said, even if someone would be new to the game, he still has often some experiences with similar skills from other games. Meaning some sets of skills (professions) may be easier and more appealing than others, even if majority of playerbase would see them differently.

There is a learning curve for each class yes, but the defining factor why some classes are better than the others in being meta in certain roles lie in passive abilities, skill activation times, etc. - gameplay has nothing to do with it. That’s the reason the debate is ongoing since forever.

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To elaborate on my original post, you have a bunch of really good s-tier specs in spvp. Sure, skill and familiarity of the spec comes into play in matches, but if you're in a lower tiered spec, it'll only take you so far. I was experiencing this with power mesmer, and maybe I wasn't playing it to the fullest potential, actually I know so as I've seen it done. I still consider myself decent, and consistently have trouble downing people (usually s-tier specs that have seemingly endless blocks and heals). Ideally I don't think there should really be specs that are considered bad, and that's where balance comes into play. In gw2, it doesn't seem like this really ever gets done. I played several matches where I went up against the same group for like three matches in a row, consisted of a vanguard, reaper, willbender, and chrono. We got stomped every single game, which was super demoralizing. It was like an allstar nba team vs. a g league team. Three games in a row is a little bit out of hand, and should never happen either. Why aren't teams like these getting mixed up instead of putting the same people together every time?!

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14 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

This is a very positive outlook on the topic. Thing is, some classes excel at many different roles and some are mostly niche and require more skill to pull off. This is imbalance considering Anet stated they want each class to be good at everything and have an easy build 😂

Well, so they failed, my ranger can't be invulnerable for a minute while spamming CC like auto attack.

Edited by Peter.3901
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On 12/26/2022 at 5:06 PM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

To elaborate on my original post, you have a bunch of really good s-tier specs in spvp. Sure, skill and familiarity of the spec comes into play in matches, but if you're in a lower tiered spec, it'll only take you so far. I was experiencing this with power mesmer, and maybe I wasn't playing it to the fullest potential, actually I know so as I've seen it done. I still consider myself decent, and consistently have trouble downing people (usually s-tier specs that have seemingly endless blocks and heals). Ideally I don't think there should really be specs that are considered bad, and that's where balance comes into play. In gw2, it doesn't seem like this really ever gets done. I played several matches where I went up against the same group for like three matches in a row, consisted of a vanguard, reaper, willbender, and chrono. We got stomped every single game, which was super demoralizing. It was like an allstar nba team vs. a g league team. Three games in a row is a little bit out of hand, and should never happen either. Why aren't teams like these getting mixed up instead of putting the same people together every time?!

Honestly play something consistently enough that you can play it in your sleep. I have over half my games as Ranger, originally Soulbeast and then Untamed and my build has not really changed since I conceived it.

The only and mean only reason I can play in the top 250 is because I am very good at what I do. I know the relative strength of everyone I face and can judge how to proceed when engaging them.
I think the funniest one is other Rangers especially Soulbeast since they all play Greatsword + Longbow, with the odd Axe/Axe player mixing it up. I use the same strategy every time which is save Pet-Unleashed F3 for Ranged and Axe Ambush / Entangle for Melee Engagement.

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Hot take. PvP is fine, but the community is garbage and right up there with League in terms of horribleness which drags the game mode down with them. Anets lack of moderation ruins the game because people who intentionally sabotage their teammates or afk or verbally abuse them are allowed to run rampant with no consequences unless its extremely revolting.

Edited by Okhu.7948
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