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Holiday Musical is so boring


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2 minutes ago, Sarah.8354 said:

I need it for Wintersday Traditions.

First of all: pretty sure you don't, since you need to complete 7 out of 8 achievements for it.

Secondly... if you "need it" then just do it (next year since it's gone today anyways).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I know Wintersday is over now, but for future reference:

According to the Wiki the lower part has the fewest notes (151 in total) and the upper part has the most (196), so if you got them all right it would take between 5.1 and 6.65 full games (playing all the songs) to complete it. Of course it will be more if you make mistakes, but I wouldn't have thought it would take many more repetitions for most people.

My approach to the repetative annual achievements in festivals is to ignore them at first and focus on doing the dailies and whatever else I want to do, then close to the end of the festival (or when I'm going to be away) I'll see what I still need to do. That way I can often complete them just doing a bit each day for the daily and if not I may only have a little bit left to do for the annual achievement. Or I can skip them completely because I've completed enough of the other achievements.

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14 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I know Wintersday is over now, but for future reference:

According to the Wiki the lower part has the fewest notes (151 in total) and the upper part has the most (196), so if you got them all right it would take between 5.1 and 6.65 full games (playing all the songs) to complete it. Of course it will be more if you make mistakes, but I wouldn't have thought it would take many more repetitions for most people.

My approach to the repetative annual achievements in festivals is to ignore them at first and focus on doing the dailies and whatever else I want to do, then close to the end of the festival (or when I'm going to be away) I'll see what I still need to do. That way I can often complete them just doing a bit each day for the daily and if not I may only have a little bit left to do for the annual achievement. Or I can skip them completely because I've completed enough of the other achievements.

Great suggestion, makes it easier instead of trying to knock it all out at once.  Basically doing the dailies will get a lot of it done, with just some extras thrown in.  If OP was waiting until the last day though, yeh that's tough and best wishes for next Wintersday.  


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1 hour ago, Sarah.8354 said:

Holiday Musical is so boring. Play 1000 correct notes in Bell Choir Ensemble is too much. Please reduce the number of notes to play.

1000 notes seems a lot but it really isn't unless you're new to it and is anxious to complete them in one go.

The festival lasted 3 weeks and playing 1 game per day, you'd have completed them within a week. As suggested above, do it when it's a daily. By the time the festival ends, you'd probably already have the achievements.

Some people find it frustrating because they're unable to follow the notes, panicked, and ended up being tossed off the platform. If that's the case, don't follow the notes. Just click and choose the notes and ignore some that are too close together. Also, a great way is to place cursor between the 4th and 5th notes so you know if they're on the left or the right side.

Anyways, the festival is over. For other festivals, do them the same way. Any achievements, do them when they're on the daily rotations first.

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1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

It takes at most an hour? Over three weeks, I’d argue 1000 notes is too little. I’d be thankful they didn’t make it a grind achievement

I'm glad it's not designed to take 3 weeks, otherwise there's no way I could have done it. Fortunately I suspect Wintersday as a whole is designed with the assumption that many people will be away or busy for at least part of it. This year I had almost an entire week when I knew I'd be able to log in, and happened to get a few extra days in at the end as well, although not for a good reason.

It's a nice change from GW1 where certain events, and the annual hat, were only available on New Years Day. There was only once I was able to join in with that and that was also because my plans got ruined.

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5 hours ago, Sarah.8354 said:

Holiday Musical is so boring. Play 1000 correct notes in Bell Choir Ensemble is too much. Please reduce the number of notes to play.

Like everyone said before "it's not much."

But I understand and feel your pain on that. When I first played it many years ago, it took me forever to get the hang of it. Yes, it is a very boring mini event during Wintersday. But I have to say the most tedious thing for Wintersday is the Spirited Drinker achievement, that is not fun at all.

Edited by Evga.2471
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I pretty completed all the achievements for the Wintersday Tradition just by choosing what dailies were active a given day.  Bell Choir is a daily? Do that.  JP is daily, do that, same for smashing toys.  With that, I completed wintersday tradition without really going out of my way.

One could certainly do an analysis of the time it takes to complete the different achievements - some are certainly quicker than others, but I don't think it should take more than 30 minutes to get any of them (and some, like giving donations, would take 15 seconds).



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You basically get this automatically after a few days - if you do your daily set for the repeatable achievement (3 times for the karma) - the only stuff that is worth (besides maybe the JP and the race) to to more than once. Here it even needs only 3 songs not three completions of a full set of 6.

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