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[NA] [PVE] Gift of Delusion [GIFT] is recruiting for raid training/static and more

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Gift of Delusion [GIFT] is a small PVE guild looking to recruit chill and active players.

About the guild:

Guild Hall level 10 on Isle of Reflection

We currently have around 30 members.


What the guild offers you:

Raid training for everyone

Guild missions



Non-judgemental guildmates. Elitism is not tolerated.


Current guild schedules:

We're usually active at around 2 hours after reset. That's when most events happen.

Raid training on saturday and sunday

Guild missions on friday

Strikes(training/clearing) on random weekdays

Fractals everyday.


If you're interested, send me a mail in-game or here. FrostySkipper.1495

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