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Long Range shot hits me for 43k (as scrapper)


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Hello guys, would really appreciate some insight on this.


So in PVP stronghold today, at the start of the match while attacking the guards a ranger (who  came up behind me) was shooting with with long bow. I put down defence field and carried on killing NPC guards, then went to focus on him.


He quickly ran behind the gate so I went to support team in mid. Only for him to then come back out and shoot me (I had full hp) then, out of the blue - i'm downed from full hp (25k) to zero, in seemingly one hit.


After looking at the log I saw this:

Long Range shot deals 43k damage


I remember being confused, wondering why my health just nose dived to zero seemingly without warning. I have noticed a similar thing happen before, but thought nothing of it.


Any help or guideance on this matter would be welcomed,

Thanks in advance! :)

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The 43k damage has a number of hits below. You have received a total of 3 hits of that skill resulting in a total damage output of 43k. Not a sPvP main here, but 43k looks a bit too much for a single hit. 

Ranger is one of those classes that can stack an insane amount of damage-boosters in a row. This mostly looks like you were hit by a Soulbeast, which has even more of those. Here is a small example what can be combined in a single strike:
Signet of the Wild: Passive increases Ferocity (= crit power) by 180
Sic Em!: Boosts the pet with 40 % damage increase. But a Soulbeast is fused with its pet. So it gets a static +25 % damage increase.
Signet of the Hunt: Active makes the next upcoming 10 hits unblockable = defense field will not help you.
Long Range Shot: The attack that hit you so hard deals more damage the farer you are away from your enemy.
Opening Strike + Precise Strike + Remorseless: For a single hit, refreshes when the Ranger goes out of combat. You said he went behind a wall before attacking again, so he probably just refreshed Opening Strike. When the other two traits are active this hit is a guaranteed 100 % critical hit with a + 25 % damage increase.
Hunter's Tactics: +15 % damage increase for hitting targets from behind/side.
Light on your Feet: +10 % damage increase after a dodge, probably how he hid himself behind that wall to get out of combat.
Furious Strength: +7% damage increase when they have Fury.
Twice as Vicious: +5 % damage increase if they happened to disable you before they hid behind the wall. Easily done with the Point-Blank Shot.
Oppressive Superiority: +10 % damage increase if you somehow missed a few HP before the impact of the arrow.
Sigil of Separation: +5 % damage increase on targets with 500+ range.
- Sigil of Intelligence which makes the next 3 hits after a weaponswap 100 % critical hits.
- Either Berserker Amulet or Valkyrie Amulet, both give maximum ferocity = critical hit damage boost.
Superior Rune of Rage, if they use the 100 % critical hit chance mechanics they only need crit power and damage-boost, another +5 % while having Fury.

That looks not very good, doesn't it? It gets even worse if you happen to run a Berserker Amulet yourselves.

Running all of this is possible, but not very clever. You end up extremely squishy and basically defenseless. If you fight one of these, use your environment. Hide behind objects/walls and fight them in melee range. Use your CC skills to make quick work of them. Tell your team members if you spot someone with such a build. The 100 % critical hit thingies have limited durations and long cooldowns. You can also try the mortar kit, as its projectile flies in an arc. Ranger needs line of sight. So you can shoot them when there is a object between you. They can still hit hard in melee range, but should not survive very long. Good counters are also blinds via Flash Shell and Flash Grenade. If you run Sneak Gyro, you can combine it with Electro Whirl or Shredder Gyro to blind them in melee range. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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14k damage on each shot, and Long Range Shot is the auto, Rapid Fire i would understand, but the auto??

Just tested it on the Raid area, gave myself all the boons, with the right Soulbeast build, at Max Range, with Sic'Em, Opening Strike, Flanking, etc, and my autos were criting for 8k max, Long Range Shot has double the scaling in PvE, don't know how it's possible to do 14k on PvP, maybe i did not stack my modifiers properly or something, but that's still weird.

Maybe some Ranger main can test this properly on PvP, only explanation i can think off for now is that the Combat Log bugged out, happens a lot on WvW, got healed by enemy healing skills, killed by enemy heals skills that do no damage, got crit for 15k on "Your Soul Is Mine" once, maybe the PvP breakdown bug sometimes too, who knows.
The alternative (damage cheating), doesn't make much sense since that stuff is not client side, and i think it's next to impossible to cheat these things because the server will always pick it up.

Edited by Brandon Uzumaki.1524
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Looking at the possible modifiers I can't see 43k over 3 shots in PvP. Seems more like a double amulet hack/exploit at work than a legit 14k on lb AA.


Edit: those numbers are only possible with PvE stats and splits. You can get essentially 8.69 total in modifiers in that scenario, including crit damage, but only on the first hit. To get the listed damage in PvP with the PvP split you'd need a ~x16 in modifiers at max might and range on the AA.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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Thats not dmg hacks, thats double amulett abuse.... and a pretty obvious one at that.


2 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Either a bug or trick, the damage overperforming is true,  and nerf it will solve the problem.

 broo xD     "might be a bug".........   "nerf will solve the problem".... 😵

Edited by Sahne.6950
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5 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:

My guess: naked target without toughness and armor vs Sick 'Em Soulbeast.

It's a good guess, but even naked I don't think 43k is possible in 3x long range shots. Those strikes would need to land on average 14.3k each.

You'd probably be able to prime up the first shot and hit hard with Marks mods, but it would become extremely unrealistic to prime those mods again for a 2nd or 3rd shot that happened quickly enough consecutively, to stack the 3x hits in the combat log under a single entry of "43k long range shot". 

Either his combat log was wonky and displayed something incorrectly, or that may have been proof of the fabled double amulet bug. Regardless of how you look at it, something is wrong with the numbers listed in that combat log.

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23 hours ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

14k damage on each shot, and Long Range Shot is the auto, Rapid Fire i would understand, but the auto??

Just tested it on the Raid area, gave myself all the boons, with the right Soulbeast build, at Max Range, with Sic'Em, Opening Strike, Flanking, etc, and my autos were criting for 8k max, Long Range Shot has double the scaling in PvE, don't know how it's possible to do 14k on PvP, maybe i did not stack my modifiers properly or something, but that's still weird.

Maybe some Ranger main can test this properly on PvP, only explanation i can think off for now is that the Combat Log bugged out, happens a lot on WvW, got healed by enemy healing skills, killed by enemy heals skills that do no damage, got crit for 15k on "Your Soul Is Mine" once, maybe the PvP breakdown bug sometimes too, who knows.
The alternative (damage cheating), doesn't make much sense since that stuff is not client side, and i think it's next to impossible to cheat these things because the server will always pick it up.

Remember that most if not all conditional damage in this game is multiplicative instead of additive.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moment_of_Clarity will bring your results up to similar damage. The OP didn't show their combat log but my guess is they kept spamming skills and getting interrupted while the Ranger was making very precise autohits from maximum range.


In other words, it was a weapon stower who made those few attacks over a long time, likely rebuffing and priming their CC each time, but the PvP skill window doesn't show this.


PvP doesn't always have lower damage than PvE. It just requires tighter builds to reach the same numbers. I've hit 20k on hammer guard in PvP prior to the damage nerf, and it'd still be 13k+ now after that nerf. The damage in the game is still multiplicative unless its a static bonus, so you'll still get exponential damage situations.


It could be an exploit, but this is definitely possible for a patient player to pull off vs. a hothead player.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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52 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Remember that most if not all conditional damage in this game is multiplicative instead of additive.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moment_of_Clarity will bring your results up to similar damage. The OP didn't show their combat log but my guess is they kept spamming skills and getting interrupted while the Ranger was making very precise autohits from maximum range.


In other words, it was a weapon stower who made those few attacks over a long time, likely rebuffing and priming their CC each time, but the PvP skill window doesn't show this.


PvP doesn't always have lower damage than PvE. It just requires tighter builds to reach the same numbers. I've hit 20k on hammer guard in PvP prior to the damage nerf, and it'd still be 13k+ now after that nerf. The damage in the game is still multiplicative unless its a static bonus, so you'll still get exponential damage situations.


It could be an exploit, but this is definitely possible for a patient player to pull off vs. a hothead player.

The problem though is that would require a substantial amount of modifiers that don't exist. I can see maybe 10k at max might on a sic'em sniper with all modifiers active, no vulnerability on a fully glass target. Even with 25 vuln that isn't hitting the ~14.3k needed on average on all three shots. Perhaps we need more info from the OP about whether they were CC'd and/or had vuln stacks on them.

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6 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

The problem though is that would require a substantial amount of modifiers that don't exist. I can see maybe 10k at max might on a sic'em sniper with all modifiers active, no vulnerability on a fully glass target. Even with 25 vuln that isn't hitting the ~14.3k needed on average on all three shots. Perhaps we need more info from the OP about whether they were CC'd and/or had vuln stacks on them.

There is a lot of misinformation going on in this thread.

They posted every possible damage mod in the Ranger class and someone said: "It's possible to run all of this", which is simply not true. They also posted all the pve versions of the modifiers instead of the pvp splits that are significantly lower bonuses.

To maximize damage on 3x long range shots, we'd be looking at using Marks/Skirm/Soulbeast or Marks/Beast/Soulbeast. We'd have to use Marks for the large 25% boosts, Skirm or Beast will render nearly exact damage contributions, and then Soulbeast is mandatory due to merge stat bonuses and use of Sic Em, as well as the generally large damage bonuses Soulbeast gets as a specialization.

Thing is, the practicalities behind landing all these mods to support 3x high powered long range shots is simply unrealistic if not entirely impossible to do. First of all, AOO comes off Maul 25% bonus which you only get to use once before swapping to Longbow. Then while in Longbow, you only get 1x CC LB#4 to proc MOC 25% just once before your ranged CC is on CD, and keep in mind you have INTERRUPT someone to do this, not just land a CC. Also, landing the LB#4 will cancel the Maul AOO prebuff, it won't even be able to be used on long range shot. Any CC you use to attempt to prime MOC will cancel the AOO before long range shot. Then each Remorseless proc would require separate on-demand sources of Fury, three of them to proc Remorseless for 3x long range shots. This almost certainly requires the use of Wilderness Survival for Fury on WS utility usage, which would force the removal of Skirmishing or Beast Mastery. Core Ranger setups to make room for Wilderness are not an option because it would lack the damage mods from Soulbeast and the use of Sic Em.

The only way to be able to trigger Remorseless 3x for 3x long range shots without the use of Wilderness, would be with two methods:

  1. Marks/Skirm/Soulbeast - Swing Maul and prime 25% - Swap weapon to LB to get Fury activated makes Remorseless another 25% - Fire and hit with first long range shot at 50% - Fire LB#4 to interrupt target get 25% - Swap pet to trigger Clarion get 2nd Fury makes Remorseless 25% - Fire and hit with second long range shot at 50% - Use Worldly Impact to trigger 3rd Fury makes/remorse 25% - You have no other way to benefit another 25% so the third long range shot will be hitting at only 25%
  2. Marks/Beast/Soulbeast - Pretty much same thing as above but you are missing Fury on weapon swap so you'll need Strength Of Pack to make the extra Fury or possibly the Tiger pet F2 to make Fury.

But no matter how you look at it or how you want to try this, there are problems. There is no way to stack all modifiers for a single big hit like non-ranger mains seem to believe. It doesn't work due to how mechanics are involved to prime these things. The best we'd get is +50% first strike, +50% second strike, and +25% on the third, from Marks & GS that is.

Of course we have Sic Em 25% buff as well, but again there are problems with chaining this. The Sic Em only works if it is cast after the Soulbeast is already in merge and it only works if the Soulbeast stays in merge. So realistically we have to: prebuff AOO and pet swap first to get Fury, merge and go into Sic Em = 75% on first strike -- Then interrupt target with LB#4 do a WI for Fury/Remorselses with Sic Em = 75% -- Third strike is still going to end up only being 50%.

Total damage mods from Skirm/Soulbeast are negligent to point out because those mods are always already in effect to make what appears to be your "normal damage output". What's important to note is how the 3x strikes will at best be boosts looking like 75%, 75%, 50% tagged onto the normal damage output from the rest of the build.

Coming from a long time Soulbeast main who runs pretty much runs the highest burst build possible, I'll tell you that my long range shots strike squishies like a Thief without prot, at best around 3k with all mods active except Sic Em & Marks. So if we do rough math here, we are looking at activating Sic Em & Marks for first shot with 75% multiplicatively adding up to around 5.6k. The second shot will also be around 5.6k, and then the third shot would be around 4.8k. We are looking at a maximum damage output of about 16k even with a funky build designed to maximize 3x consecutive long range shots.

If we somehow had 25 might into the equation and 25 vuln on the target, the 25 might would raise the damage roughly a little less than 1/3rd, which we'd be look at: 7k first shot, 7k second shot, about 5.8k second shot. Then we amplify that by 25% vuln, looks like: 8.7k first shot, 8.7k second shot, 7.3k third shot. Even in this situation we are still only looking at 24.7k damage in 3x long range shots.

Even IF we were in Eternal Coliseum with Sword buff +20%, it still would only look more around 30k damage for 3x long range shots absolute top out damage possible, if the stars and the planets and all the galaxies align to allow this to happen.

The only way to even begin to approach the numbers for 3x long range shots show in his screen shot, would be if the OP was a naked Thief with 0 armor/toughness value. Then it might be possible for the Ranger to land 43k 3x long range shots.

But these circumstances are so outrageously impossible to align, the OP would have had to go into the game with a group of friends to prime all of this up on purpose to allow it to happen.

Honestly after evaluating it all, I'm pretty sure this is a troll thread ^^

I'd also like to point out that if a person actually attempted to the run the build/method to try to do this, the Ranger spec would seriously explode on contact from anything in this meta. I'm talking like: Bull's Charge > Arc Slice = Dead Ranger. It would be so highly unrealistic in an actual combat to ever align those mods to deal even a third of the damage shown in his screen before dying, the spec would be useless.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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