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[EU] Looking for Guild


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I'm a new UK-based GW2 player who joined when the game launched on Steam. Played WoW for about five years straight, but became disillusioned with it around 2016-2017 and had never found anything that scratched the MMO itch since then. Until now ... man, I love this game!

I guess I'm the very definition of a 'filthy casual' in that I've only ever played PvE - historically never been a fan of PvP, although I like the sound of GW2's WvW - although I've yet to try Strikes or Fractals. Probably not hardcore enough for raids, if I'm honest.

I have five level 80 toons:

  • Reaper (Human)
  • Firebrand (Human)
  • Soulbeast (Norn)
  • Virtuoso (Asura)
  • Thief (Human)

Of those, the Reaper is probably my main. The Soulbeast and Virtuoso got their elite specs over the Christmas holiday, but I haven't played those so much yet, as I'm currently working on an Engineer, who I'm intending to make a Mechanist. Not really liking the Thief so far, hence I haven't given it an elite spec. In time, I really want to get to grips with the power of the Firebrand - feels like I'm only seeing a fraction of what it can do at the moment.

Would be great to find a UK-based guild, mainly for fun, but who I can learn the complexities of the game from, with the option to do Strikes and Fractals etc. once I'm capable. I'm normally online most nights from about 7pm, usually until about 10-11pm.

Edited by Lokryn.3509
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My Guild is not UK based, but English is the main, and only language we use.

I was actually living in the UK when I first started playing GW1.


My guild is about 3-4 years old, but only really took off in the past 6 months.

Players keep coming and going, for their own personal reasons; for instance, one of my best contributors recently migrated to NA, others can only play once or twice a week, and some new players just simply quit the game.


I need steady active players in order to build up a solid team.

If you are interested, pm or email me in game for invite.

We are currently at level 23, about to upgrade Arena in the next few days, and then workshop right after.


It's up to you if you wanna give it a go, if you find thst it's not for you, no hard feelings.


You're more than welcome to take a look.




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