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Continual crashes

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Ever since the new patch I am unable to play the game, it constantly crashes with no specific reason that I can tell


First i thought it might have been related to tabbing out of the game, but then it started happening when I wasn't leaving the game. The last couple of times it has happened immediately after loading in, simply because I moved my character a step forward. 


It's not just in Divinity's Reach, this has been happening to characters in non-cities too

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Same thing is happening to me. The game loads up but it's jittery on the character select screen. It takes forever to load but it does load. I can't seem to stay logged in more than a few mins at a time, sometimes less , sometimes a little more. I've disabled arcDps. Rebooted my rig.I've tried lowering all my graphic settings. I've sent several error logs to Anet. 

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Please post some crash log.  What are your computer specs/graphics settings?  Drivers updated?

Most likely has something to do with the large amount of changes in preparation for dropping DX9 in February.

Might need to clear GW2 cache files.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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I managed to get back in by dialing down my textures to medium and disabling high res character textures and of course enabling Dx9 again.

Suggest to try something similar, by starting from the very lowest settings in everything or outright disabling stuff like reflections.

IF you can at least get to the character selection screen.


Hope it helps, good luck to us all when they actually switch of Dx9 for good.

Edit:patch seemed to have fixed the crashes, at least so far,

Edited by HawkMeister.4758
patch update
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The forced switch to dx11 should be postponed a few years to iron out all the major issues that are being reported on what feels like a weekly basis.

You risk losing players who won't be able to properly play the game anymore on dx11, as said major issues prevent them from having a decent experience.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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If these issues persist once DX9 is removed, I will leave the game I was online for hours last night looking at games being released soon. I have played GW2 since not long after it was released, I like this game I do not want to leave but last night I was fishing and got my fish count to 83 trying to get the last fish I needed on the map I was on, and then it happened I crashed it was a hard crash had to reboot pc in order for game to work again. You cannot play a game and enjoy it when storylines, fractals and dungeons put you in instances or doing such things as fishing where you can lose progress and have to start over if you have to worry about crashing and losing all progress all the time.

Edited by Zaviamoon.4569
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