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At first I like to wish you all a happy new year and lets blast 2023 with an awesome party!

[LoMS] will join us for this event at [Yumi] Guildhall at 30 January, 4PM servertime!

We will host a big race in the guild hall, Any mounts allowed!
(Don't get pumped if you have beetle, Even the most professional drifters easily fall off course and you are disqualified!

We will do THREE laps around our custom racing track so you might want to hone your skills before entering the contest! There will be three winners!

1st : 100G and three weapon skins of choice of our guild bank!
2nd: 30G and two weapon skin of choice of our guild bank!
3th: 10G and one weapon skin of choice of our guild bank!

Please visit  Yumi Forums for more info!

To be able to participate please DM or mail me ingame : beezlebub.9057
Or join our discord server: https://discord.gg/bEfTWFdPT4


Edited by Veryl.7861
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